This repository contains a various types of C++ programs which you can practise for your basic coding purposes.
After practising these codes you can proceed to competitive programming sites like HackerRank, codechef , Interview Bit (Level of difficulty increases as i mention them) etc.
- Hello World - First Program
- Even or Odd - Whether the num is even or odd
- Float num Prod -Product of Float Numbers
- Area of Cirlce Program - Area
- Sum of Natural Numbers - To find the sum of natural numbers till the given number
- Greatest of 3 - Find greates of 3 nums
- Ascii value of a Char
- Multiplication Table - As name suggests
- Num of Digits - Number of digits in any number
- Pallindrome - To check if the given num is pallindrome or not
- Array Program
- Array I/O Program
- Array Avg
- Array Largest
- Array Merging
- Array sort
- Sum of Corresponding Elements of Arrays
- Sum of all elements of an Array
- Four Func Calculator
- Class Functions calls
- Factorial of num - To calculate the Factorial
- Factors of a num - To Calculate Factors of a num
- Fibonacci Series - Fibonacci Series till sum
- Factorial Function - Recursive Factorial Calculation
- Num to Word- Convert the num to word
Matrix sum - Sum of elements of matrix
Matrix Transpose - Transpose of matrix
Linear Searching - Linear Searching
Pattern Type 1 - Patterns