These instructions show how to test PSAs in a local setup and in the NED.
Note: The instructions will be updated later to show how PSAs can be smoke-tested in a real NED environment (possibly run in Jenkins or some staging environment so the testing can be made just by triggering a build on Jenkins after updating PSA codes to the PSA repository).
These instructions can be used to test a PSA in a local setup without the NED inside KVM. These instructions will be updated later. The same setup can be achieved with Virtualbox or VMware.
See the instructions from:
Define a suitable way to forward traffic between the interfaces inside your VM. For example, forward the traffic between the interfaces using a bridge (
After setting up, you can, e.g., ping the TrafficGen or TrafficRcv to test that the setup is working. After this, you can utilize the already installed tools: Apache server and curl.
To test a PSA in the actual NED you need to follow the following instructions.
TBD after successfully testing a PSA with the NED.
You can use a ready made template image that contain the basic setup needed for a PSA and only modify the PSA mgmt&control to support your PSA, if needed.
Package dependencies (required by the PSA mgmt&control) -TBD
Network interface configuration -TBD
Updating the latest PSA software to the image -TBD