Welcome to our Milestone II project on Digital Equity. Our mission is to develop tools that measure and forecast digital equity within the state of Michigan.
For a comprehensive overview of our project and its objectives, please refer to our detailed project proposal: Digital Equity Milestone II Project Proposal
Measurement: Develop representative metrics to gauge the state of digital equity within Michigan.
Evaluation: Compare our digital equity metric to ones that are currently in use.
Forecasting: Design predictive tools and algorithms to anticipate future challenges and growth opportunities in the digital equity space.
Details on how to utilize the tools, datasets, and algorithms we've developed will be provided soon.
We welcome contributions to this project! Whether you're fixing a bug, adding a new feature, or simply improving documentation, your help is greatly appreciated. To ensure a smooth collaboration, please follow these guidelines on how to use GitHub for working on this software project:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/SBuxton-IDM/EquityMilestone.git
- Create New Branch: Before making changes, create a new branch for your work.
git branch my_changes
git checkout my_changes
Issues are the best way to keep track of things that need to be done. If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to suggest improvements, please create an issue:
Go to the "Issues" tab: Click on the "Issues" tab at the top of the repository.
Search for Existing Issues: Before creating a new issue, check if a similar one already exists.
Create a New Issue: If it's a new issue, click on the "New Issue" button and fill in the details.
Please add appropriate labels. If you want help with something, for example, please assign a teammate to the issue and add the "help wanted" label.
Commit your change and push to your branch
git add changed_file
git commit -m "Commit message"
git push origin
Open a pull request
Pull requests are the best way to keep track of ongoing and completed work. Once you open github in a browser, if you have made recent changes to a branch you will see a prompt "branch [branch name] has recent changes would you like to open a pull request?"
- Select "open pull request"
- If you are addressing some issue, paste a link to the issue into your PR. This will show the creator of the issue that you are done/working on it.
- If you just want to show that you're working on an issue but not quite done, create a "draft pull request".
- If someone assigned you to an issue, it's best practice to add them as a "reviewer" to the PR before merging into
. - If you are a reviewer, it is best practice to be specific about the changes you want to see, and to merge it in when those changes are made.
For any queries, suggestions, or feedback, please contact us at: