Feedback from users
- Need Legend
- Dissabled beds from DB need to dissappear from GUI
- Delete 3 letter name/lastname initials from info-dialog
- Doctors need to have fixed colors. The implemented palette is more of a burden. Fixed list of doctors/colors was furnished. I Propose hardcoding (via properties file w/no CRUD) the list of docs and present the list as pulldown menu when creating new doctor polygons.
- TV feature info placed outside the window.
- Propose a way of printing all the layers with doctor info. The webapp needs to take the place of the hand-crafted excel file that records doctor info.
@Home post install
- Tried to access the site from different computers to see if changing the doctor info would be shared between sessions. Confirmed that the singleton model used in servlet init works.
- Tried hot-deploy of app just by replacing the 'regina_webapp.war' file.
- Fixed bug on non-existent dates. Eg. February 30th would cause a DB error that propagates to GUI. Fixed problem by checking date (using javascript Date object) on dateChange() method call.
- Fixed potential bug new doctor creation. If for the room number the user inputs the characters ',' or ';' it would save this info in the properties file key.
- RolledBack on 3 letter name/lastname initials as per users requests.
TO_DO and Brainstorms
- For the dissabled bed issue need to query the CBADATI schema for the info. Unfortunately the occInfo is located in CBAREGINA schema. To avoid the double query, propose to implement a new attribute in the already implemented singleton object to capture a Set of keys with the dissabled bed info. This object would be updated everytime the user changes the floor (buildingId) by invoking the selectorsChanged() method.
- Fixed bug on non-existent dates. Eg. February 30th would cause a DB error that propagates to GUI. Fixed problem by checking date (using javascript Date object) on dateChange() method call.
- Fixed potential bug new doctor creation. If for the room number the user inputs the characters ',' or ';' it would save this info in the properties file key.
- RolledBack on 3 letter name/lastname initials as per users requests.
- Implemented legend
- Implemented timer for canvasMgr init
- Performance improvements (delete occArray on widgetChange)
- Implemente 'Confirmed Dismission'
- Added new icons
- Added new icons to legends
- Doctor info captured from DB
- Introduction of H2dB for inMemory persistance
- Rewrote prop file helper classes
- Rewrote DB helper classes
- Rewrote maintenance mechanism for capturing polyshapes
- Split maintenance js files for rooms and beds
- Legend via canvas layer to match colors ofDoctors
- JavaScript code cleanup
- Fix Room Polygons for final floor (configuration)
- [Bug sb002] - problem with doctors list on query.
- Upgraded 'jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar' to version 'jaybird-full-2.2.2.jar'
- Doctors legend taylored to actual doctors on floor
- RolledBack 'jaybird-full-2.2.2.jar' to version 'jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar'
Released [Too many changes to list!!]
- Revamped object model
- Reworked all javascript objects
- Reworked all java servlet objects
- introduction of Cleaning Layer
- indroduction of Excel file creation (Cleaning Schedule)
Excel file creation mod.
- New dialog for excel file selection.
- Logic to modulate DatePicker calendar with dates on excel file name.
- Modification of Excel file for many dates not only one. Introduction of Connection Pool
- CP usage for FireBird connection.
Production install
Minor changes:
- Fixed legend for cleaning
- Highlight of numbers on hover
- Shortend list of choices for cleaning numbers.