Programming language designed and implemented in Python using the PLY library.
The language is based on C++ and has some of its basic functionalities such as:
- int and double variable types
- arithmetic and boolean operations
- loops (while, do while, for)
- conditionals (if, else if, else)
- functions (no params and no return value)
- arrays (uni-dimentional and bi-dimentional)
- console read and write
int mat[10];
int dimention, i, j, temp, option;
function fill_mat(){
for (i = 0; i < dimention; i++){
consoleWrite('Value for vector[', i, ']: ','%n');
function print_mat(){
for (i = 0; i < dimention; i++){
function sort_mat(){
# this function sorts a vector in ascending order
for (i = 0; i < dimention; i++){
for (j = i + 1; j < dimention; j++){
if (mat[i] > mat[j]){
temp = mat[i];
mat[i] = mat[j];
mat[j] = temp;
main () {
do {
consoleWrite('Provide the vector dimention' , '%n');
if (dimention > 10){
consoleWrite('Dimention should be less than 10!!', '%n');
} while (dimention > 10);
do {
call fill_mat();
consoleWrite('unsorted vector: ', '%n');
call print_mat();
call sort_mat();
consoleWrite('%n', 'sorted vector: ', '%n');
call print_mat();
consoleWrite('%n', 'Do you want to sort another vector? (1 = yes, 0 = no)', '%n');
} while (option == 1);
Provide the vector dimention
Value for vector[ 0 ]: 5
Value for vector[ 1 ]: 34
Value for vector[ 2 ]: 6
Value for vector[ 3 ]: 12
Value for vector[ 4 ]: 3
Value for vector[ 5 ]: 134
Value for vector[ 6 ]: 21
Value for vector[ 7 ]: 33
unsorted vector:
5 34 6 12 3 134 21 33
sorted vector:
3 5 6 12 21 33 34 134
Do you want to sort another vector? (1 = yes, 0 = no)
In order to test the language just add a file to the test_language folder and run:
python test_language/your_test_file.fpp