Hold On for Dear Life (HODL) is a time-locked wallet where users can send their cryptocurrency and set a HODL time. They can only withdraw their cryptocurrency once the HODL time has passed. It helps prevent users from selling their crypto at low prices.
You can try out the live demo at https://hodl-wallet.vercel.app/
- Truffle Framework
- Ganache Blockchain (for development)
- React
- Contract Address:
- Network:
Goerli (chain id: 5)
- Install Ganache
- Go to the
directory and run the following command to deploy the smart contract:
truffle migrate
- Update the ABI and Contract Address in the
- From the root directory, run the following command:
npm run build
- Choose the
directory of this project.
- From the root directory, run the following command to start the development server:
npm start
|-- smart-contract
| |
| |-- migrations
| |-- contracts
| |-- tests
|-- src
| |
| |-- abi
| |-- contract-address
|-- build
|-- node_modules
|-- package.json
|-- package-lock.json
|-- README.md
|-- contributing.md
|-- code of conduct.md
We welcome contributions of all kinds!
If you are interested in contributing, please take a look at our contributing.md
file for more information.
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes from the dev branch:
git checkout -b <branch-name> dev
- Make your changes and commit them with a descriptive message.
- Push your changes to your fork:
git push -u origin <branch-name>
- Create a pull request to the
branch of the main repository. - Wait for feedback and address any review comments.
- Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged into the dev branch and deployed to the live demo for testing.
Please note that all contributors are expected to adhere to this project's code of conduct