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The design of the S.A.G.E. is dynamic. In a way, almost a never-ending cycle of innovation. Exactly how an educational system should be. Multiple components updating & renewing alongside us. |
S.A.G.E. is dynamic and is designed with the idea of having multiple contributors towards a autonomous, decentralized, open-source platform. Focused on information, the distribution of knowledge and a deliverance of credentials in a highly efficient manner. By design the program acts similarly to a vertically integrated arrangement by compiling the many components of functional processes of inputs and outputs in educational and information based systems.
However, it is designed to avoid the hold-up problem, AKA the commitment problem.
{% hint style="info" %} Fair Transaction; "A fair transaction is one in which the surplus is divided (approximately) equally. The transaction becomes increasingly unfair as the division increasingly deviates from equality."
[Frank, Robert H. Passions within reason: The strategic role of the emotions. WW Norton & Co, 1988.](2) {% endhint %}
Not allowing any single party to become any better off than another party without an equal sacrifice to the entire community, by enabling the completion and establishment of contracts that are automated and designed with 'smart' principles. Preventing a 'lock-up' of resources/knowledge and the availability for a community to identify flaws or imbalances within a system of distributed information.
Fair transactions are essential to the function of system based on truth and honesty. Information and knowledge is a form of truth and honesty being passed down by one generation to the next, as facts separable from fiction. Various instruction manuals, quotes, perspectives, ideas, thoughts, experiments and other human expressions of creativity and intellect.
Without a basis for understanding what a truth means or when a fact truly stands for honesty and reality, we lose our grip on our own perceptions and ideas. The design of the S.A.G.E. intends to align economic incentives/ideas with the pursuit of knowledge.
The advantages of fair transactions within educational based systems are;
- Categorization of institutes and teachers by teaching type, ability/skills and rank/prestige.
- Community influence on the reputation and viability of an institution, individual mentor or peer-group.
- Highlight the reasonings for pursuing a branch of education and receiving a particular credential.
- Showcase advantages of knowing specific topics, the connections between knowledge, skill-sets and real-world applications.
- Display or allow an individual access to relevant statistics and information related to credentials and career paths. __
Motivation can be invoked and then capitalized on when an individual realizes the reasonings behind pursuing a particular path.