description |
Everything you need to know about S.A.G.E. and information related to this documentation. |
- Design📑
- Summary📜
- Components📋
- DEdu.App💻📔 -S.O.R.🔎🛠️ -C.I.S.✅📤 -P.C.A.📥🏅🏆
- V.A.I.🏫🏘️ ☑️
- V.A.M.👩🏫👨🏫☑️
- D.I.T.'s💻📚
Topics and definitions concerning the production, development and research around S.A.G.E. and D.I.T's.
- Educational-based Smart Contracts
- Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Blockchain Technology(DLT/Hyper-Ledger)
- Distributed File Systems(Clustered)
- DAO's
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- EdTech
- DIT's (Digital Interactive Textbooks)
- Vertical Integration
- Open-source
- Closed-Source/Proprietary Software
- The Bowtie Constraint
- Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks (Nick Szabo)
- Educational Smart Contracts
- Blockchain
- Decentralized
- Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Vertical Integration
- Open-Source
- Closed-Source/Proprietary Software
- Distributed File Systems
- Hash Tables
- Calls/Executable Functions
Tools as well as resources around the production, research and development of a S.A.G.E. and D.I.T's.
- Flowchart & Online Diagram Creator
- Gitbook(Documentation)
- Simulations & Systems Modelling(Insight Maker)
- Github(Proposals, Development & Deployment)
- Gitcoin(Open-source Bazaar)
- Wikipedia
- Google Scholar
- Open Library
- Internet Archive
- Everything; Open-Source
Literary works, required/suggested reading as well as references around the production, research and development of a S.A.G.E. and D.I.T's.
- Frank, Robert H. Passions within reason: The strategic role of the emotions.WW Norton & Co, 1988.[2]
- Spector, J.M., Ma, S. Inquiry and critical thinking skills for the next generation: from artificial intelligence back to human intelligence. Smart Learn. Environ. 6, ****8 (2019)[-]
- Nick, Szabo, 1998 Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks[-]
- Nick Szabo, 2001 Proplets: Devices for Controlling Property[-]