A programming language that allows you to simulate logic circuits. You can toggle inputs on or off to see the output of your circuit. It supports basic logic gates such as AND, OR, and NOT, as well as Decoders, Multiplexers, Flip-Flops. You can also create your own logic gate with any number of inputs and outputs.
See https://github.com/RyanB156/LogicGateSimulator/blob/master/LogicGateSim/Documentation.txt for documentation.
F# code in FCircuitParser is used to parse the program with the FParsec Library and creates logic gate objects as defined in
LogicGateDomain and links them together.
The C# Windows forms project in LogicGateSim takes the completed circuit and displays the inputs and outputs on a form where the user can
click to toggle the inputs for the circuit and see the output.
[input count][(In1Name, In2Name, ..., InNName [: Out1Name, ..., OutNName])] - Initialize gates.