A repository where i store some fonctions i made. Feel free to give issue reports or to contribute with your own home made functions.
Allows you to create a switch as in Java. It only takes care of int cases. Create a switch in simple. Import Switch.py into your project. Then create a switch as follows.
cases = {"0<<12": lambda: print("0_12"), "=13": lambda: print(13), ">=14": lambda: print("14 et +")}
s = Switch(default=lambda: print('ok'), init_cases=cases, local_dict=locals())
You can ADD cases with a dict.If you add an existing case it will override it. As long as the switch has one case remaining you can DELETE a case like that.
s.add_cases({"=-5": lambda: print("Added successfully")})
Allows you to creates int/float conditions ( for now ) from regex. List of allowed regex is specified in comments. You can create conditions with variables too but you'll need to initialize local_dict as locals() or globals().
Construct a simple graph.
As it sounds , it's just small functions that may be useful sometimes.