RTS is a translation library translate to and from RuleML. RuleML are the vehicle for using rules on the web and other distributed systems. They allow deploying, executing, publishing and communicating rules in a network.
Currently supported:
Download and install with maven:
$ git clone https://github.com/farbtrommel/rule-translation-service.git rts
$ cd rts
$ mvn install
Now you can use locally the library, add to your pom.xml file:
Create a jar with all dependencies.
$ cd rts
$ mvn assembly:assembly
$ cd target
The command line tool need for parameter. The first parameter is the input type, second the output type, third the source path, fourth the destination path.
$ java -jar rts-0.0.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar dmn ruleml /path/to/source /path/to/destination
This sample shows how to translate a DMN file "table.dmn" to RuleML file. The result will written to "table.ruleml" file.
public static void main(String[] args) {
RuleTranslatorService rts = RuleTranslationServiceFactory.createRuleTranslationService();
try {
rts.translate(new File("table.dmn"), "DMN", "RuleML", new FileOutputStream("table.ruleml"));
} catch (UnknownRulesLanguageException ex) {
// ...
} catch (RuleTranslatorException ex) {
// ...
// ...