It's competition time! This match will be refereed ussing IBJJF rules...
Submission - If a competitor holds a submission so that their opponent taps, the competitor will automatically win
Points - For each favourable position held for 3 seconds, a competition will recieve a given number of points: Mount = 4 points Guard pass = 3 points Take down, sweep and knee on belly = 2 points - If time run out and neither competitor has been submitted, the player with the most points will win
Penalty - On first offence, the offender will recieve a verbal warning. - On second offence, the opponent will recieve an advantage - On third offence, the opponent will recieve two points - After three offences, the offender will be disqualified and their oppenent wins.
Advantage - If a commetitor attempts but does not fully complete a move, they will recieve an advantage. - Advantages will be considered if time ends and there is a points tie. The commetitor with more advantages will win - If there is a points and advantage tie, the referee will decide the winner.