A advanced plotting macro, that creates beautiful canvases
The macro is used by calling the newCanvas() function.
The function takes TObjArrays
, that have to contain a TH1
as the first entry to draw many Root Objects on a new canvas.
The following objects are supported:
- TH1
- TPaveText
- TLine
- TLegend
- TBox
- TGraph
- TGraphAsymErrors
The shape of the canvas is modified by a control string.
This is a little unelegant, but highly versitile ( ControlString.Contains()
is used to check the string ).
Following canvas versions are supported:
- Horizontal
- Square
- SplitHalf
- FullPage
For the Axes following options are availiable:
- BinLabels
- CenterTitle
- LogX
- LogY
- RatioGridY
Further more the option ThisWork will add a lable to the figure, CMYK will alter the colors to be more print friendly, Thick and Thin will change the linewidth and Fill can be used to fill the space below a line. By default a time stamp is created in the top right corner. This can be prevented with the NoTime option.
The color and markerstyles are controled via two Short_t array.
To include the macro into your macros use gROOT->LoadMacro("CanvasCreator.C");
And call it via
TCanvas *cnvs = makeCanvas(array_one,array_two,"ControlString",colors,marker);
The ALICE Collaboration: "Transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors of charged particles in Xe-Xe collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.44 TeV", arXiv: 1805.04399