This is a native iOS Bitcoin wallet app demonstrating the use of Bitcoin Dev Kit and Lightning Dev Kit in Swift.
- On-chain BDK Wallet
- Connect to a Peer
- List Peers
- Get Node ID
- Open Channel
- List Channels
- Display Channel Balances
- Send Payment
- Receive Payment
- Close Channel
Download and install Docker, Polar and Electrs
Make sure in,
Vajra Wallet/Controller/LDK/LDKManager.swift
Inside the private constructor,
// Set the Bitcoin Network = .Regtest
Start the Docker and then run Polar and create a new Lightning Network. Go to the directory for Electrs and start Electrs using,
cargo run --release --bin electrs -- -vvvv --daemon-dir ~/.polar/networks/1/volumes/bitcoind/backend1/ --network=regtest
Now you can run the project.
Make sure in,
Vajra Wallet/Controller/LDK/LDKManager.swift
Inside the private constructor,
// Set the Bitcoin Network = .Testnet
Now you can run the project.