"xxHash is an extremely fast non-cryptographic Hash algorithm, working at speeds close to RAM limits."
This module provides perl6 bindings for the xxHash (https://code.google.com/p/xxhash/). xxHash's source code is bundled along so make/cmake/ on *NIX are required!
run time: NativeCall (p6 module)
compile time: make (on *NIX), c compiler and friends, cmake (http://www.cmake.org/)
Takes no arguments and returns revision (in form of an Int) of the upstream xxHash svn repository of the currently used xxHash sources in the Digest::xxHash.
Takes no arguments and returns uri (Str) to the upstream svn repository from which xxHash c sources were exported.
actual signatures:
multi sub xxHash(Str $string, Int :$seed = 0)
multi sub xxHash(Str :$file!, Int :$seed = 0)
multi sub xxHash(Buf[uint8] :$buf-u8!, Int :$seed = 0)
All of the above return an Int representing hash of the given data.