This repository contains mainly Python tools to be used to run experiments on SAI, Leela Zero, and KataGo. Earlier versions of these tools have been used to conduct the experiments described in this paper.
This contains the class GoGameAI which manages games between any pair of nets among SAI, Leela Zero and KataGo. The auxiliaty class GoGameTools is also implemented.
The module comes with a script toolGoAITools containing examples of usage.
This module contains some tools that facilitate using the JSON-based analysis engine of KataGo:
- three functions that export an sgf file to
- a Python list of lists, e.g. [["W","P5"],["B","P6"]]
- a Python list of strings, e.g. ['["W","P5"]','["B","P6"]']
- a string, e.g. '["W","P5"],["B","P6"]'
- a class interfaceKataGoAnalysisEngine that allows opening a session of the engine; then 3 methods allow requesting queries
- launchQueryAndReturn(), a low-level method that requires indicating a JSON query
- analyse_listOfLists(), that requires indicating
- a Python list of lists, e.g. [["W","P5"],["B","P6"]],
- a turn to be analysed,
- the rules,
- the komi, and
- the point of view
- analyse_sgf(), that requires indicating
- a sgf file,
- a turn to be analysed,
- the rules,
- the komi, and
- the point of view
All methods return a Python dictionary with the same format as the JSON output of the engine.
The module comes with a script containing examples of usage.