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React Native Common Modules

Common components for Ronas IT projects.

Start the example app

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Start app for local development: cd apps/example && npx expo start
  3. Use Expo Go to run mobile version


  1. Install the package: npm i @ronas-it/react-native-common-modules
  2. Import modules to your app and use as described below


At the moment this library contains the following components:

1. AppPressable

This component can be used in the same way as the built-in Pressable component, but it also includes opacity control.


  • pressedOpacity: Opacity value. Default is 0.4.


import { AppPressable } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

<AppPressable style={styles.button} pressedOpacity={0.5}>
  <Text>Press Me</Text>

2. AppSafeAreaView

A component for granular control of safe area edges on each screen. The difference from SafeAreaView in react-native-safe-area-context is that the container adds padding to the elements inside it, rather than to the entire screen, making it more flexible for use.


  • edges: An array indicating which edges of the screen to respect. Possible values are 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'. Defaults to all edges.
  • style: Custom styles to apply to the view. Note that padding values will be adjusted to respect safe area insets.


import { AppSafeAreaView } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

<AppSafeAreaView edges={['top', 'bottom']} style={styles.container}>
  <Text>Content goes here</Text>

3. VirtualizedList

A component-wrapper for FlashList, that includes onScrollUp and onScrollDown props.


  • onScrollUp: Called when user scrolls up.
  • onScrollDown: Called when user scrolls down.

NOTE: onScrollUp and onScrollDown are synced with onScroll


import { VirtualizedList, VirtualizedListProps } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

export function App(): ReactElement {
  const [direction, setDirection] = useState<'UP' | 'DOWN'>();

  const handleScrollUp = (): void => {

  const handleScrollDown = (): void => {

  const handleScrollEnd = (): void => {

  const renderItem: VirtualizedListProps<Book>['renderItem'] = ({ item }) => {
    return (

  const keyExtractor: VirtualizedListProps<Book>['keyExtractor'] = (item) => item.isbn;

  return (
      <Text>Direction: {direction}</Text>


1. Push notifications


Service for integrating Expo push notifications into apps. Requires setup and backend implementation for sending notifications.

PushNotificationsService public methods:

  • obtainPushNotificationsToken - get an Expo token that can be used to send a push notification to the device using Expo's push notifications service.

  • pushToken - getter for retrieving the token if it was already obtained.


Hook, that automatically subscribes the device to receive push notifications when a user becomes authenticated, and unsubscribes when a user becomes non-authenticated. It supports custom subscription and unsubscription logic through provided functions or API configuration. Listens for responses to notifications and executes a callback, if provided, when a notification is interacted with. Used in the root App component.

usePushNotifications hook arguments:

  • isAuthenticated (required) - flag, that indicates whether the user is authenticated or not.
  • onNotificationResponse (optional) - callback when a notification is interacted with.
  • subscribeDevice (optional) - function for subscribing the device.
  • unsubscribeDevice (optional) - function for unsubscribing the device.
  • apiConfig (optional) - API configuration for subscribing and unsubscribing the device (when subscribeDevice and unsubscribeDevice are not provided).
  • apiErrorHandler (optional) - API error handler for subscribe/unsubscribe functions.
  • getTokenErrorHandler (optional) - handler for error that occur when attempting to obtain a push notifications token.


// Somewhere in a root component of your app:
import { usePushNotifications } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

const authToken = useSelector(authSelectors.token);
  apiConfig: {
    subscribeDeviceUrl: '',
    unsubscribeDeviceUrl: '',
    accessToken: authToken,
  isAuthenticated: !!authToken,

2. Storage

A library that provides two types of key-value storage API: AsyncStorage and SecuredStorage (IOS, Android).


Implement storage service:

import { AsyncStorageItem, SecureStorageItem } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

class AppStorageService {
  public token = new SecureStorageItem('token');
  public tokenExpiryDate = new SecureStorageItem('tokenExpiryDate');
  public language = new AsyncStorageItem('language');

export const appStorageService = new AppStorageService();


// Get storage item
const token = await appStorageService.token.get();
// Set storage item
// Delete storage item

3. Image Picker

ImagePickerService gives the application access to the camera and image gallery.

Public methods:

  • getImage - initializes the application (camera or gallery) and returns a result containing an image.
  • launchGallery - launches the gallery application and returns a result containing the selected images.
  • launchCamera - launches the camera application and returns the taken photo.
  • requestGalleryAccess - requests the application access to the gallery.
  • requestCameraAccess - requests the application access to the camera.
  • getFormData - creates a FormData object with image.


Pick image and send request:

import { imagePickerService, ImagePickerSource } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

const handlePickImage = async (source: ImagePickerSource) => {
  const image = await imagePickerService.getImage(source);
  const asset = image?.assets?.[0];

  if (!asset) {

  const data = imagePickerService.getFormData(asset.uri);

  // API call

4. WebSocket

WebSocketService manages WebSocket connections using Pusher and can work in both web and mobile applications. Doesn't support Expo Go.

It's necessary to install @pusher/pusher-websocket-react-native for a mobile app and pusher-js for a web app.

Options for WebSocketService constructor:

  • apiKey (required) - APP_KEY from Pusher Channels Dashboard.
  • cluster (required) - APP_CLUSTER from Pusher Channels Dashboard.
  • authURL (optional) - a URL that returns the authentication signature needed for private channels.
  • useTLS (optional) - a flag that indicates whether TLS encrypted transport should be used. Default value is true.
  • activityTimeout (optional) - time in milliseconds to ping a server after last message.
  • pongTimeout (optional) - time in milliseconds to wait a response after a pinging request.

WebSocketService public methods:

  • connect initializes and connects the Pusher client. Optional authorization token is used for secure connections.
  • subscribeToChannel subscribes to a specified channel and registers an event listener for incoming messages on that channel.
  • unsubscribeFromChannel removes an event listener and, if there is no listeners for a specified channel, unsubscribes from it.


import { WebSocketService } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

// Create a service instance
type ChannelName = `private-conversations.${number}` | `private-users.${number}`;
const webSocketService = new WebSocketService<ChannelName>({
  apiKey: '1234567890qwertyuiop',
  cluster: 'eu',
  authURL: ''

// Initialize Pusher, e.g. after an app initialization or successful authorization
await webSocketService.connect('your-auth-token');

// Subscribe to a channel when it's necessary
webSocketService.subscribeToChannel('private-conversations.123', (event) => {
  console.log('Received event:', event);

// Unsubscribe from a channel, e.g. before an app closing or logging out
webSocketService.unsubscribeFromChannel('private-conversations.123', (event) => {
  console.log('Received event:', event);


1. setupReactotron(projectName: string)

Configures and initializes Reactotron debugger with redux plugin for development purposes. Install the Reactotron app on your computer for use.


import { createStoreInitializer } from '@ronas-it/rtkq-entity-api';
import { setupReactotron } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

const reactotron = setupReactotron('your-app');
const enhancers = reactotron ? [reactotron.createEnhancer()] : [];

const initStore = createStoreInitializer({
  rootReducer: rootReducer as unknown as Reducer<AppState>,

2. i18n

Provides functions to set language and use translations using i18n-js


root layout:

import { setLanguage } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';

const translations = {
  en: {
  fr: {

const useLanguage = setLanguage(translations, 'en');

interface LanguageContextProps {
  language: string;
  onLanguageChange?: (language: keyof typeof translations) => void;

export const LanguageContext = createContext<LanguageContextProps>({ language: 'en' });

function App(): ReactElement {
  return (
      <Stack.Screen name='index' />

export default function RootLayout(): ReactElement | null {
  const [language, setLanguage] = useState<keyof typeof translations>('en');


  return (
    <LanguageContext.Provider value={{ language, onLanguageChange: setLanguage }}>
      <App />


import { AppPressable, AppSafeAreaView, useTranslation } from '@ronas-it/react-native-common-modules';
import { ReactElement, useContext } from 'react';
import { View, Text, Alert } from 'react-native';
import { LanguageContext } from './_layout';

export default function RootScreen(): ReactElement {
  const translate = useTranslation('EXAMPLE');
  const { language, onLanguageChange } = useContext(LanguageContext);

  const onPress = () => Alert.alert(translate('TEXT_PRESSED'));

  const handleLanguageChange = (): void => {
    onLanguageChange?.(language === 'en' ? 'fr' : 'en');

  return (
    <AppSafeAreaView edges={['bottom']} style={styles.safeAreaContainer}>
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <AppPressable onPress={onPress} hitSlop={10}>
        <AppPressable onPress={handleLanguageChange} hitSlop={10}>