All address was take from official site of 'УкрПошта' The library doesn`t contains the addresses of the occupied territories.
Run command composer require romix/ukrainian-addresses
Example to get Address tree.
$provider = new AddressProvider();
$address = [
'region' => 'Львівська',
'district' => 'Львів',
'settlement' => 'Львів',
'street' => 'вул. Героїв УПА',
'house' => '73',
$result = $provider->getAddressTree($address);
Variable result contain array with:
- regions - all regions of Ukraine
- districts - all districts of region
- settlement - all settlement of district
- street - all streets of settlement
- house - all houses of street
- index - zip-code of this address
Author of library is Romix
If you have any suggestions, questions, remarks, or found a bug, please write me [email protected]