Catia Teixeira, Rojan Aslani
Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto Master's in Data Science and Engineering
Artificial Intelligence February 2023
The game is implemented in python and works with versions >= 3.0.
## Get Python and dependencies
- You can download the 3.0+ version of Python here.
- (Don't forget to add python to the path if you are on Windows)
- Next, install the dependencies for the game. For that just run the following command (Note that you may replace pip with pip3 if you have different versions of python).
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the application, run the file.
- Choose the desired options on the initial screen.
- Click "Ready to start" button.
- To make a move, click on the wanted token. If the token is movable, a green circle appears around it. Do not forget that in Fanorona, if there is a possibility of capture, it is obligatory to take the move. Hence, you are forbidden to take moves other than the one than leads to capture.
- Allow time for each AI iteration.
- When the game is over, the results appear on the screen.
- To restart, close the screen and run again.