- 🌱 I’m currently pursuing BTech in Computer Engineering at VIT-AP University
- 🔭 I’m currently working on FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Full time projects on Machine Learning
- 💼 Wanna colab on Projects? do reach, email
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help
- ⚡ Fun fact : The more you GRIND, the more you GET💫
- Unlocking the Power of Hugging Face: A Guide for AI Enthusiasts and Developers
- Streamlining Secure User Authorization: A Guide to Using Amazon Cognito on AWS
- All New AI Code Editor: Bolt.new A Revolutionary Tool for Developers
- What is Sine Cosine Optimization (SCO)?
- A Beginner’s Guide to Using SSH with AWS: Securely Accessing Your EC2 Instances