A Rust-based Anchor smart contract for a token vesting system on the Solana blockchain. The contract enables the creation of vesting accounts and the gradual release of tokens according to predefined vesting schedules.
Code goes along with the blog post HERE.
This contract provides the ability to lock tokens under a PDA controlled by the contract, allocate a set amount of tokens to beneficiaries, release tokens to these accounts, and allows beneficiaries to claim their vested tokens.
The contract supports the following primary functionalities:
- Initialization (
): Set up the vesting contract with the necessary parameters, including the token mint address. - Releasing Tokens (
): Allows the contract initializer to release a specified percentage of tokens to all beneficiaries. - Claiming Tokens (
): Beneficiaries can claim their vested tokens as per the released percentage.
- Rust and Anchor installed on your system.
- Solana CLI tool.
- Basic understanding of Solana smart contracts and the Anchor framework.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/RohanVSuri/SimpleTokenVesting.git
- Build the contract:
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build Anchor project
anchor build
- Fetch the Program ID for the build:
solana address -k target/deploy/token_vesting-keypair.json
- Replace Program ID in in
with the output from above:
// lib.rs:
// Anchor.toml:
token_vesting = "<REPLACE_PROGRAM_ID_HERE>"
- Test the contract:
anchor test
Before using the contract, you must create a token on Solana & fund it. This is the token that is going to be vested to all beneficiaries.
# Create the token
spl-token create-token
# Previous command will output a token mint address, use that to create an ATA, save this output as we will use it soon
spl-token create-account <TOKEN_MINT>
# Mint tokens to original token mint
spl-token mint <TOKEN_MINT> <TOKEN_AMOUNT>
This contract uses 2 PDA's to govern both the Data & Escrow Account, and we must generate those PDA's & their bumps off-chain.
// Use TOKEN_MINT from above as mintAddress and program ID as programID
// Use utils.js inside of tests directory as utils
[dataAccount, dataBump] = await utils.createPDA([Buffer.from("data_account"), mintAddress.toBuffer()], program.programId);
[escrowWallet, escrowBump] = await utils.createPDA([Buffer.from("escrow_wallet"), mintAddress.toBuffer()], program.programId);
Create one array that contains all beneficiaries that contains all necessary information for the Beneficiary account
beneficiaryArray = [
key: beneficiary.publicKey,
allocatedTokens: new anchor.BN(<ALLOCATED_TOKENS>),
claimedTokens: new anchor.BN(0),
key: beneficiary2.publicKey,
allocatedTokens: new anchor.BN(<ALLOCATED_TOKENS>),
claimedTokens: new anchor.BN(0),
- Call the
function with the public key of the created token mint, an array of all beneficiaries to be vested to, and bumps for PDA's of the Data Account & Escrow Account.
// TOKEN_MINT from above as mintAddress
// senderATA as the output from spl-token create-account <TOKEN_MINT>
// sender as an Anchor Keypair
const initTx = await program.methods.initialize(beneficiaryArray, new anchor.BN(<AMOUNT_TO_ESCROW>), decimals)
dataAccount: dataAccount,
escrowWallet: escrowWallet,
walletToWithdrawFrom: senderATA,
tokenMint: mintAddress,
sender: sender.publicKey,
systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
tokenProgram: spl.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,
- When you are ready to release tokens to beneficiaries, call the
function specifying the percentage of tokens to be released.
const releaseTx = await program.methods.release(dataBump, <PERCENT_TO_RELEASE>)
dataAccount: dataAccount,
sender: sender.publicKey,
tokenMint: mintAddress,
systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
- Beneficiaries can then call the
function to claim their vested tokens according to the released percentage.
const claimTx = await program.methods.claim(dataBump, escrowBump)
dataAccount: dataAccount,
escrowWallet: escrowWallet,
sender: beneficiary.publicKey,
tokenMint: mintAddress,
walletToDepositTo: beneficiaryATA,
associatedTokenProgram: spl.ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,
tokenProgram: spl.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,
systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId
Refer to tests/token_vesting.ts
for example usage
Built by Rohan Suri