The FullBody Inventory Management System is a Shiny app that was created for the FullBody Sportswear textile company to help them manage many aspects of their business. The features included have been specifically designed to fit their needs, but many would be useful to similar companies.
The setup entails importing separate databases for:
- Stores
- Clients
- Providers
- Types of products
- Products (along with their price schemes)
- Inventory spanning multiple stores and possibly providers
After the initialization of the system all of these databases can be modified and new items can be created through the app in a secure manner, meaning that the data types and formats are checked and fixed before modifying the databases.
The app is designed around performing various operations. These operations have a series of checks and are carried out in such a way that many human errors that are common when managing this type of data on spreadsheets are completely impossible to commit. The operations included in the current version of the app are:
- Selling garments
- Issuing credit notes
- Reserving products for specific clients
- Receiving or returning products to providers
- Moving inventory among stores
- Modifying the stock of products for any other particular reason
- Reverting a previous operation
Each of these operations have a set of data fields that the user should fill out by either selecting an option from a dropdown list or by typing the appropiate information. These fields could be the date of the operation, the store involved in it, the client, the reason for returning inventory to the provider, among many others.
The app also serves as a reporting and visualization tool. All the databases in the Setup section as well as a detalided Inventory and a Movements table that contains all the performed operations are visible inside the app. Furthermore, all tables are searchable and can be downloaded as a csv, excel, or pdf file.
Finally, besides being registered in the Movements table, all operations generate a pdf document with all their relevant details. See the Reportes directory for an example of such a document.
- The Demo directory contains example images of some of the aspects described in this document.
- The files in the Data directory have been removed to safeguard the privacy of FullBody Sportswear.