Timeline: Ongoing
Tech: HTML, CSS, JS, React, Redux, Node, Express, Python, Postgres
Description: Leopard-themed trivia game
Contribution Type: Personal project
Status: Active development
Summary: Yes, this is based off a silly joke, but it's also been a true learning experience. At first I was able to find two Jeopardy! APIs and fetch questions from them, but neither of them did quite what I wanted, so I decided I'd look up how to make a web scraper and make my own API. I discovered why there weren't more Jeopardy APIs out there when I saw the jArchive site was still using tables to layout everything. It was a huge pain to dig into that outdated mess and get what I needed, but I did learn a tiny bit of regex along the way while trying to clean up my data. I then had to figure out how to import this data into a database. We had learned SQLite3 in school, but I decided to learn Postgres because SQLite3 is quite limited from what I've heard. Once I got that data in, it was a joy to see how much data I could sift through in seconds. I can see the appeal of data science now.
Next Steps: I need to write up my API to serve random questions and save user data -- that was a late add-on to the original plan, but I think it will be more fun if people can track their stats.
To-do List:
- Ensure multimedia clues are displayed properly
- Select difficulty?
- Create user
- Send game stats to backend
- Add top ten?
- Styling
- Fix grid
- Responsiveness
credits: baby Image by simone gatterwe from Pixabay
snow leopard Image by skeeze from Pixabay
lick Image by Oksanna Briere from Pixabay
lookin at you Image by R_Winkelmann from Pixabay
rawr Image by Ankita Gkd from Pixabay
daily-double Image by Ian Lindsay from Pixabay