A small library that helps with En- and Decryption via PHP-OpenSSL.
require_once __DIR__ . "/path/to/OSSL/OSSL.php";
use rogoss\OSSL\OSSL;
use rogoss\OSSL\Exception as OSSLException;
$sPrivateKey = "";
$sPublicKey = "";
try {
OSSL::KeyGen()->createNewKeys($sPrivateKey, $sPublicKey)
echo "keys have been generated: \n", $sPrivateKey, "\n", $sPublicKey;
} catch (OSSLException $ex) {
echo "could not generate Keys => " , $ex->message();
require_once __DIR__ . "/path/to/OSSL/OSSL.php";
use rogoss\OSSL\OSSL;
// Encrypt something using the Private Key
$sEncryptedWithPrivateKey = OSSL::Encrypter()
->privateKey("your private key here")
->encrypt("secret message");
// Decrypt something using the Public Key
$sDecrypted = OSSL::Decrypter()
->publicKey("your public key here")
// it also works in reverse
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Encrypt something using the Public Key
$sEncryptedWithPublicKey = OSSL::Encrypter()
->publicKey("your public key here")
->encrypt("secret message");
// Decrypt something using the Private Key
$sDecrypted = OSSL::Decrypter()
->privateKey("your private key here")
require_once __DIR__ . "/path/to/OSSL/OSSL.php";
use rogoss\OSSL\OSSL;
// Encryption
$sEncrypted = OSSL::BasicCrypter("password")
->encrypt("secret message");
// Decryption
$sDecrypted = OSSL::BasicCrypter("password")