a small Lib meant to make fetching data via PHP-Curl easy.
require_once "path/to/the/clone/of/this/repo/Curl.php",
use \rogoss\Curl\Curl;
/** @var \rogoss\Curl\FetchResult $oFetch */
$oFetch = Curl::GET() //<- define your Method: POST(), DELETE() and PUT() are also possible
->url("http://request.to.somewhere") // <- define where to send the request to
->header("accept", "application/json") // <- set the request header
->header("x-custom-header", "hello world")
->param("foo", "bar") // <- add Request-Parameters
->param("fizz", "buzz")
->debug(true) // <- enable Debug-Output to see the Raw Data send between servers
->exec() // <- run the Request and Fetch the Response
if(empty($oFetch)) {
echo "request failed, make sure the server is reachable and the URL is not empty";
// Available Fields on FetchResult
$oFetch->protokoll; // HTTP-Protocol
$oFetch->status; // HTTP Response-Status (200 OK, 404 Not Found, etc.)
$oFetch->statusText; // Default text connected to the status "OK" for 200, etc. ..
$oFetch->body; // The Raw Response-Body in plain-text format
$oFetch->headers; // An Array containing all Response-Headers