A simple interface that reads from an xml or json file with the format Xml example:
<button name='Start' event='e_start' tooltip='start the robot'/>
<button name='Stop' event='e_stop'/>
Json example:
"buttons" :[
{"name":"Start", "event":"e_start","tooltip":"start the robot" },
{"name":"Stop", "event":"e_stop"}
Each button group produces a button that, if pressed sends the named event. The default topic is /events, but can be altered using the ros parameter 'topic_name', see gui_sender.launch for an example on how to change this. The tooltip is an optional field (text when hovering over a button). The xml file is stored in the rosparam "xml_button_file", that defauts to default.xml in the xml directory of this package.
ros2 launch python_gui gui.launch.py
ros2 launch python_gui gui_json.launch.py
See launch files for an examples with the default values.
- use_json: (bool) if set to true, the node uses the json specification, otherwise use the xml (default: False)
- topic_name: (string) name of the topic to publish the events on (default: "\events")
- xml_button_file: (string) absolute location of the xml file with the event buttons to create.
- json_button_file: (string) absolute location of the xjsonml file with the event buttons to create.
The file 'lua_components/signal_echo.lua' is a an orocos component realized in lua, that reads a std_msgs/String from a topic and echos as a normal string. to connect easily with components running rFSM.
for loading the component check the code in the test_deploy/deploy_echo.lua
, that can be run with:
rttlua -i `ros2 pkg prefix python_gui`/share/python_gui/test_deploy/deploy_echo.lua
the code in he file is
require "rttlib"
require "rttros"
if tc:getName() == "lua" then
elseif tc:getName() == "Deployer" then
ros_application_name = "echo_test"
depl:loadComponent("eventEcho", "OCL::LuaComponent")
--... and get references to them
eventEcho = depl:getPeer("eventEcho")
-- load the Lua hooks
--configure and starts
-- in the end create a stream
depl:stream("eventEcho.event_in", ros:topic("/events",false))