Aurelia Bootstrap is a series of Custom Element and Custom Attributes that provide Bootstrap components native to Aurelia. Please check our documentation for installation details and the reference manual:
- Accordion
- Buttons
- Collapse
- Dropdown
- Pagination
- Popover
- Tabs
- Tooltip
- Typeahead
Custom HTML templates for typeahead.
Assign id to typeahead's input. This will allow you to use a label for attribute with a typeahead.
Fix dropdown close 'always' for Bootstrap 4
- Use 'show' classes according to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6.
- Add styles for pagination with Bootstrap 4.
- Provide a way to add custom css classes to tooltips.
Check if we have an actual popover object when detaching the Popover before setting the display to none.
Handle Custom Popovers better when the same popover is used in multiple elements.
Typeahead tweaks and the documentation for it is now live.
New Typehead component. Allow you to have an input with a list of filterable suggestions.
All the component default values are globally configurable. Please check the documentation for more details.