A conversational agent trained on Restaurant and Hotel domains (Erasmus Mundus EMAI project)
**Name | GitHub |
Camille |
Bernardo |
Roberta |
Nazanin |
• Domain identification/ Dialog act prediction
• Content extraction from User utterances (semantic frame slot filling)
• Agent move prediction
Data set: https://huggingface.co/datasets/multi_woz_v2i (i=2,3,4)
- Dialog Act Prediction Model: A classification model that takes user utterance as input and predicts the dialog act. This could be an LSTM or Transformer-based model. (Classification)
- Classifies the type of action the user is attempting to perform (e.g., asking a question, making a statement).
- Semantic Slot Filling Model: This could be a sequence-to-sequence model or a named entity recognition (NER) model. (Classification)
- Extracts key pieces of information (e.g., date, location) from the user's utterance.
- Agent Move Prediction Model: Use reinforcement learning or rule-based methods to decide the agent's next move based on the dialog history and current state. (Reinforcement Learning)
- Determines the next action the conversational agent should take (e.g., provide information, ask for clarification).