The alpha plugin is used for a replacement start screen providing handy shortcuts to common tasks such as opening a file or configuring zsh
- alpha (config) - Custom start screen
- abolish - Abbreviate / substitute copy
- commentary (mappings) - Comment lines with
- catppuccin - Colour scheme
- nvim-treesitter (config) - Syntax tree parser
- copilot - AI pair programmer
- impatient (config) - Faster loadup times
- splitjoin - Split/join lines with gS/gJ
- targets - Extra text objects like ci(
- vim-surround (config) - Surround with ysaw ysa" etc
- nvim-web-devicons - Web dev icons
- popup.nvim - Popups
- plenary.nvim - Useful lua functions
- FixCursorHold.nvim - Improved cursor hold performance
- vim-better-whitespace - Make trailing/leading whitespace obvious
- vim-matchup - Extends % to work on more things
- hop.nvim (mappings) - Similar to easymotion, used for hopping within a file