Mongoose plugin that saves documents history in JsonPatch format and SemVer format.
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install
If using mongoose 4.x.x remove will only save if calling model.remove. Mongoose 5.x now applies middleware hooks for remove on both schema and model.
$ npm install mongoose-history-plugin
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import MongooseHistoryPlugin from 'mongoose-history-plugin';
// Default options
let options = {
userCollection: 'users', // Colletcion to ref when you pass an user id
accountCollection: 'accounts', // Collection to ref when you pass an account id or the item has an account property
userFieldName: 'user', // Name of the property for the user
accountFieldName: 'account', // Name of the property of the account if any
timestampFieldName: 'timestamp', // Name of the property of the timestamp
methodFieldName: 'method', // Name of the property of the method
ignore: [], // List of fields to ignore when compare changes
noDiffSave: false, // If true save event even if there are no changes
noDiffSaveOnMethods: ['delete'], // If a method is in this list, it saves history even if there is no diff.
noEventSave: true, // If false save only when __history property is passed
modelName: '__histories', // Name of the collection for the histories
embeddedDocument: false, // Is this a sub document
embeddedModelName: '', // Name of model if used with embedded document
mongoose: mongoose // A mongoose instance
// Add the plugin to the schema with default options
let Schema = mongoose.Schema({ name: 'string', size: 'string' });
// Create a model
let Tank = mongoose.model('tank', Schema);
// Create a document
let small = new Tank({
size: 'small',
// History property is optional by default
__history: {
event: 'created',
user: undefined, // An object id of the user that generate the event
reason: undefined,
data: undefined, // Additional data to save with the event
type: undefined, // One of 'patch', 'minor', 'major'. If undefined defaults to 'major'
method: 'newTank' // Optional and intended for method reference
.then((small) => { = 'Small tank';
// History property is optional by default
small.__history = {
event: 'updated',
user: undefined,
reason: undefined,
data: undefined,
type: undefined,
method: 'updateTank'
.then((small) => {
// All options are optional
let options = {
find: {}, // Must be an object
select: {}, // Must be an object
sort: '',
populate: '',
limit: 20
// Get the diff histories in JsonDiffPatch format
// Get a diff history in JsonDiffPatch format
// Get the versions
// Get a version
// Compare two versions
small.compareVersions('0.0.0', '1.0.0').then(console.log);
.then((small) => {
small.__history = {
event: 'removed',
user: undefined,
reason: undefined,
data: undefined,
type: undefined,
method: 'delete'
return small.remove();
.then((small) => {
// All options are optional
let options = {
find: {}, // Must be an object
select: {}, // Must be an object
sort: '',
populate: '',
limit: 20
// Get the diff histories in JsonDiffPatch format
// Get a diff history in JsonDiffPatch format
// Get the versions
// Get a version
// Compare two versions
// In the case of delete, the diff is empty because the object is not changed.
small.compareVersions('1.0.0', '2.0.0').then(console.log);
// Add the plugin to many schemas with a single history collection
let plugin = MongooseHistoryPlugin(options);
// Add the plugin with a dedicated history collection for every schema
Object.assign({}, options, { modelName: 'collectionName_versions' })
Object.assign({}, options, { modelName: 'anotherCollectionName_versions' })
npm test
For development use npm dev:test
- Use prettify and eslint to lint your code.
- Add tests for any new or changed functionality.
- Update the readme with an example if you add or change any functionality.
Author: Masquerade Circus. License Apache-2.0