Our team created Mamasita's Enchiladas as our final project for the University of Arizona's coding bootcamp. The site allows users to create an account, order from an interactive menu, view past orders, and learn more about the business.
- Clone from Github repository.
- Install required npm packages:
- Apollo
- Bcrypt
- Express
- GraphQL
- Mongoose
- Node.js
- Nodemon
- React
- Redux
- Stripe
Through Local Server:
- Start from the terminal using npm start.
- Will open in browser automatically.
This Repository is covered under the following license: [ISC]
Christopher Walston
Joseph DeFelice
Richard Flores
Stephen Pena
Tara Brichetto
Deployed Application: https:// https://mamasita-empanadas.herokuapp.com//
Github Repository: https://github.com/Richardflores009/Mamasita-Empanadas
When the business owner is ready, we will link the social media icons to her social media pages. We will also make the contact form functional.
Contact Us:[]
Github: https://github.com/Richardflores009
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [[email protected]]
Email: [[email protected]]
Email: [[email protected]]