version: 0.0.1-beta
Minimal nVIM (neovim) — configured in Lua
(works on Linux 20.04
and should work on Windows/macOS but yet to test).
sudo wget -O - | bash
or check setup process
Plugins | Description |
Packer | Plugin/package management for Neovim |
nvim-web-devicons | A lua fork of vim-devicons. This plugin provides the same icons as well as colors for each icon |
nvim-tree.lua | A File Explorer For Neovim Written In lua |
nvim-treesitter | Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer for Neovim. |
popup.nvim | An implementation of the Popup API from vim in Neovim. |
plenary.nvim | All the lua functions I don't want to write twice. |
telescope.nvim | A highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists. Built on the latest awesome features from neovim core |
telescope-media-files.nvim | Preview images, pdf, epub, video, and fonts from Neovim using Telescope. |
nvim-lspconfig | A collection of common configurations for Neovim's built-in language server client. |
nvim-lspinstall | This is a very lightweight companion plugin for nvim-lspconfig. It adds the missing :LspInstall <language> command to conveniently install language servers. |
nvim-compe | Auto completion plugin for nvim. |
vim-vsnip | VSCode(LSP)'s snippet feature in vim. |
lspsaga.nvim | A light-weight lsp plugin based on neovim built-in lsp with highly a performant UI. |
lspkind-nvim | This tiny plugin adds vscode-like pictograms to neovim built-in lsp. |
gruvbox | gruvbox is heavily inspired by badwolf, jellybeans and solarized. |
lualine.nvim | A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline written in pure lua. |
colorizer.lua | A high-performance color highlighter for Neovim which has no external dependencies! Written in performant Luajit. |
Indent Blankline | This plugin adds indentation guides to all lines (including empty lines). |
vim match-up | match-up is a plugin that lets you highlight, navigate, and operate on sets of matching text. |
neoscroll | A smooth scrolling neovim plugin written in lua |
nvim-autopairs | A super powerful autopairs for Neovim. It support multiple character. |
nvim-ts-autotag | Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename html tag |
Zen Mode | Distraction-free coding for Neovim >= 0.5 |
formatter.nvim | A format runner for neovim, written in lua. |
nvim-bqf | The goal of nvim-bqf is to make Neovim's quickfix window better. |
Rooter | Rooter changes the working directory to the project root when you open a file or directory. |
gitsigns.nvim | Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal. |
Keymaps | Execution | Mode |
<space> |
Use space bar as leader | Normal |
<space> +h |
:set hlsearch |
Normal |
<space> +f |
:Format format the code |
Normal |
<space> +<Tab> |
:NvimTreeToggle toggle the file explorer |
Normal |
<ctrl> +h |
Move to Left window | Normal |
<ctrl> +j |
Move to Bottom window | Normal |
<ctrl> +k |
Move to Top window | Normal |
<ctrl> +l |
Move to Right window | Normal |
<ctrl> +l |
Move to Right window | Normal |
j +k or k +j or j +j |
<Esc> alternatives |
All |
<Tab> |
Move to next tab | All |
<Shift> + <Tab> |
Move to previous tab | All |
K |
Move selected text/block top | Visual |
J |
Move selected text/block bottom | Visual |
<ctrl> +p |
Toggle file finder | All |
<space> +fb |
Open the buffer | All |
<space> +fh |
Open the help tag | All |
<space> +fg |
Open the live grep | All |
K |
Preview documentation | normal |
g +d |
Preview definition | normal |
<space> +t |
Open floating terminal | normal |
<Esc> +<Esc> |
Close floating terminal | normal |
After setup if you are facing any issues try to following steps
- Open
nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
and typePackerSync
then hit enter- Close the setup once done
- Source nvim
and typeso
then hit enter. - If you are still facing issue please report.