Data for training machine learning models related to bug bounty and pentesting.
- Images of webpages organized by prediction tagging
- Images of VNC and RDP services (These will likely be two categories, normal ones with an expected login prompt and ones with no login or default username added)
Nothing there at this time, but I have to have data for the following scenarios.
- Payloads for training attacks (SQLi, XSS, XXE, SSRF, Content brute forcing, Etc.)
- Tool output logs for anomaly detection
1. Create project at
Note: I'm currently working on a tool that will work with screenshotting tools to check against the API. For now the following bash script works ok.
IMAGES=$(ls | grep ".*\.png$")
URL="{Prediction URL}"
KEY="{Prediction Key"
for image in $IMAGES
echo "Checking: $image"
cat $image | curl -s -X POST "$URL" \
-H "Prediction-Key: $KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
--data-binary "@-" | jq '.predictions[0] | {tagName,probability} '