This ENA website is based on the [CTP website](
For the document API to work the Dropbox folder hierarchy needs to be as follows:
- TODO: add folder structure
The site is configured to support 2-letter core language codes. So english is 'en' not 'en-US' and/or 'en-GB'. Using a longer code will not function.
- tell app config the language exists
- add 2-letter language code to
array in _config.yml - include locale file (to support date/time localization)
- several already in place (in _locales dir), otherwise get from here
- include _data/
2-letter code
.yml to support site content translations - copy _data/en.yml, then update text values
- note that the url for the nav items can be updates for your language. this needs to align with the permalink in the page frontmatter (see item 4.2 below)
- create folder of page templates
- copy 'en' dir, rename copy as your 2-letter language code
- in frontmatter for all templates there within, you need to add the language code and pagename to the
(i.e. /toolkit/ becomes /fr/boite-a-outils/ for the french translation)