Mobile applications for vendors - part of the BMS vendor module
- Developped with ionic 3
Here is the ionic v3 documentation :
git clone
npm install -g cordova ionic
npm i
ionic cordova platform add android
ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-screen-orientation
npm install --save @ionic-native/barcode-scanner
npm install @ionic-native/screen-orientation
To run on Android :
ionic cordova run android
To run on iOS (works only from an OSX):
ionic cordova build ios
- Open relief_jobs/platforms/ios/relief_jobs.workspace with Xcode
- Select your device
- Click on the RUN button
Google Play Store (Android)
Update config.xml
ionic cordova platform rm android
ionic cordova platform add android
ionic cordova build android --release
Be sure to have credentials (app_password file) and original_keystore (relief_jobs.keystore file)
a) They are located at the root of the project or on Dropbox
Be sure to copy/paste the zipalign tool from the relief_jobs folder to the platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release folder
In the relief_jobs/
a) RUN
and follow the instructionsb) Upload the relief_jobs.apk on Google Play Store with [email protected] account
Apple Store (iOS)
Generate the provisionning profile & the certificates in Apple Store Developer Website
ionic cordova build ios
Open relief_jobs/platforms/ios/relief_jobs.workspace with Xcode
Product/Destination/iOS generic device
A new windows will appear.
a) Validate
b) Export
XCode - Open Developper Tool/Applications Loader
Select the .ipa file generated at step 6
You will receive an email from Apple
In apple store console
a) TestFlight
b) Complete all required fields
c) Submit for review
When Review is completed, you can deploy on the store.