Enables developers to run tests using the RelationalAI SDK for Julia.
RAITest requires a configuration file to use the RAI Julia SDK. Documentation for this can be found at https://docs.relational.ai/rkgms/sdk/julia-sdk
Using a user specified engine to test with
using RAITest
name = "Descriptive name",
query = "def output { 1 } ic () requires output = 1",
engine = "Name of my pre-existing compute engine",
Create a pool of engines to test with. Values greater than one are useful for larger test suites with concurrent testing.
using RAITest
@test_rel("def output { 1 } ic () requires output = 1")
name = "Descriptive name",
query = "def output { 1 } ic () requires output = 1",
Add an existing engine to the test engine pool.
using RAITest
add_test_engine!("<Your engine name>")
@test_rel("def output { 1 } ic () requires output = 1")
Run multiple tests concurrently.
using RAITest
using Test
# Instead of provisioning as needed, provision in advance
@testset RAITestSet "My tests" begin
for i in 1:10
query = "def output { $i } ic () requires output = $i"
@test_rel(query = query, debug = true)
Run multiple tests concurrently with a custom engine provider.
using RAITest
using Test
set_engine_creater!((name)->create_default_engine(name, "M"))
@testset "My tests" begin
for i in 1:10
query = "def output { $i } ic () requires output = $i"
@test_rel(query = query, debug = true)