npm install
npm start
Before running the following commands, add a tmdbkey.key folder containing your tmdbkey to the root of reel-backend. In addition, you must run the backend once to create the necessary tables before you can add any data to them. Every table besides media is currently overwritten when you build, which means any movies you cache from TMDb will persist through builds. For local testing, you should quit the script manually, as you don't want to cache the entire set of movies in the movielens database.
npm run-script cache_data
All graphQL object types, queries and mutations are detailed in data/schema.js.
Object Types are formatted as follows
type TypeName {
propertyName: dataType
propertyName: dataType
For example:
type Person {
id: ID!
firstName: String
lastName: String
Queries are formatted as follows
type Query {
queryName(arg1: argType, arg2: argType): returnType
queryName(arg1: argType, arg2: argType): [returnType] // List of returnType
For example:
type Query {
user(userName: String): User
users: [User]
search_media(title: String): [Media]
Mutations are formatted as follows (you optionally make them return something)
type Mutation {
mutationName (
arg1: argtype
arg2: argtype
): returnType
For example (returning the review you just made to confirm it was successfully created)
type Mutation {
createReview (
userId: ID
mediaId: ID
score: Int
): Review