Use this Docker container to run as many Github runners as you need. Is update everyday so always have the new version of Github runner.
Just check: and take a look in this repository to the dirs MAIN , SELENIUM-CHROME and SELENIUM-CHROME-MYSQL to check each Dockerfile.
Now you can pull the image from the DockerHub:
docker pull redxlus/docker-self-hosted-runner:latest
Or if want specific version:
docker pull redxlus/docker-self-hosted-runner:2.292.0
Or if want the version of GitHub Runner with Chrome + ChromeDriver + Selenium to use for QA:
docker pull redxlus/docker-self-hosted-runner:2.292.0-selenium-chrome
Or if want the version of GitHub Runner with Chrome + ChromeDriver + Selenium + client MySQL to use for QA:
docker pull redxlus/docker-self-hosted-runner:2.292.0-selenium-chrome-mysqlclient
Now to run MUST specify 2 vars: PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN and REPO. And have others optionals.
Environment Variable | Description | MUST specify or OPTIONAL |
To get this go enter in your account in Github. Go to Settings. Go to Developer settings. Go to Personal access tokens. And generate new token with the Scope of Repo. | MUST specify |
Is your Github user, a slash and your public or private repo. For example my Github user is RedxLus and this repository is docker-self-hosted-runner so both will be "RedxLus/docker-self-hosted-runner". | MUST specify |
By default this runner runs without root access so you need to set up RUNNER_ALLOW_RUNASROOT=1 if want to exec comands with sudo. |
By default this runner is ephemeral, run 1 single job and automatically unregistered. If want normal runners you need to set up EPHEMERAL="false" |
So when do a docker run must look like:
docker run -e PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN="ghp_23123122313123123" -e REPO="RedxLus/docker-self-hosted-runner" redxlus/docker-self-hosted-runner:latest
If want to use in a Docker Compose. Change replicas with the number of Docker Github Runner you want:
version: '3'
replicas: 40
image: redxlus/docker-self-hosted-runner:latest
restart: always
- PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=ghp_23123122313123123
- REPO=RedxLus/docker-self-hosted-runner