JLSAMS is simple json project. I purpose in this project search a data in json and if you wanted to live search on json it can be posibble. You can try to "Tüm Haberler" icon all of json data will be on screen then click to search image, search can be possible in this data.
other buttons like "Finans Haber" or "Spor Haber" is doing basic json request. This project desing by "if we have a one News Json data, how we can search in there.
Tüm Haberler Screen
Search Screen - When you are click to search image button as you can see this window
Detail Screen - When you click to search screen list item as you can see to detail.
Volley Library
Gson Library
Glide Library
Recyclerview Liblary
Json Live Search
Json Search
You can open with android studio directly. https://developer.android.com/studio/?gclid=CjwKCAjwnrjrBRAMEiwAXsCc420bUBvLCOZdRbmbLes0VIO4Ijr4EN6sBNDi90lg7KJRBAV8h4QA7BoCxzEQAvD_BwE
Just open with android studio.
Android Studio : Native Java
Project Structure :
Plugin Versiyon :3.2.1
Grandle Version : 4.6
Oğuz Kumcular - Redwoodcutter