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Aliases and shortcuts

Aine Riordan edited this page Jun 8, 2022 · 14 revisions

Aliases and shortcuts

git log alias

When you are backporting commits or syncing release branches, you will check the git log frequently.

For convenience, create an alias for this command. Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc (mac) or ~/.bashrc (Linux) file:

alias gl='git log --oneline -n $1'

Run source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc afterwards, to get the alias working.

To use this alias, specify the number of commits you would like to view:

$ gl <number_of_commits> [<branch-name]

For example:

  • $ gl 3 lists the 3 most recent commits in the current branch.

  • $ gl 3 main lists the 3 most recent commits in your local main branch.

  • $ gl 3 upstream/2.1 lists the 3 most recent commits in the 2.1 branch of the upstream Github repo.

Function to search where an assembly or module is used

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:

# aap-search function lists the names of assemblies where a module is used.
# in /titles dir, run aap-search <module_name>.adoc
# Alternatively, run it in /assemblies dir to list assemblies where a module is used.
# Run it from the command line as follows:
# aap-search <module_name.adoc>
# You can also run this in /titles to list where assemblies are used
# aap-search <assembly_name.adoc>
aap-search() { find -L . -name "*.adoc" -exec grep -l "$1" {} + ; }

The only necessary line is the one that is not a comment. However, it is useful to include the instructions with the function.

Run source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc after you save and quit the file.

The following example calls the aap-search function to list the assemblies in the Installation guide that include con-SM-standalone-contr-ext-database.adoc:

➜  git:(main) ~~/titles/aap-installation-guide/~~
$ aap-search con-SM-standalone-contr-ext-database.adoc

Running the same command from the /titles directory shows all the titles that include assemblies that include the module. There is some duplication here, as several titles include same assembly. The output is useful, however, as it shows which titles are affected.

➜ git:(main) ~~/downstream/titles/~~
$ aap-search con-SM-standalone-contr-ext-database.adoc

About the function

  • The -L flag in the find command enables a search in symlinks.

  • The -l flag in the grep command prints the filenames that contain matches.

  • Within the function, $1 refers to the first argument that you passed when you ran the function.

    $1 refers to con-SM-standalone-contr-ext-database.adoc when you run the following command:

    $ aap-search con-SM-standalone-contr-ext-database.adoc

    In the following command, $1 refers to assembly-planning-installation.adoc:

    $ aap-search assembly-planning-installation.adoc

Alias to list filenames and titles for every doc

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:

alias aap-titles="grep -r '<title' --include 'docinfo.xml' "

Once you have added this line, save and close the file, then run source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc.

To use this alias, navigate to the top-level directory of your local repo and execute aap-titles.

The following example output shows some of the titles in the AAP repo:

$ aap-titles
./release-notes/docinfo.xml:<title>Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Release Notes</title>
./downstream/titles/upgrade/docinfo.xml:<title>Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Upgrade and Migration Guide</title>
./downstream/titles/hub/uploading-internal-collections/docinfo.xml:<title>Curating collections using namespaces in Automation Hub</title>
./downstream/titles/hub/configuring-private-hub-rh-certified/docinfo.xml:<title>Managing Red Hat Certified and Ansible Galaxy collections in Automation Hub</title>
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