Recycle Buddy Front End
Recycle Buddy is an Mobile App designed during a Code Fellows Hack-a-thon between July 2018 and November 2018. The app is designed to take pictures of waste and turn it into meaningful recycling data for the user.
If you're interested in contributing to this project, please reach out to us through the GitHub repository.
To install and run the project, simply download the project, then type:
npm install
npm start
Then using Expo on your Android Phone, scan the QR code or navigate to the ip shown in the terminal (these directions are also in the terminal after the Packager has started).
Currently in Pre-Alpha, Pre-Vertical Slice, Pre-MVP, Conceptual planning
Prashanth Adhikari - Project Owner and our source of inspiration Andy Ernst - Great person to go to for infinite guidance and pet pictures Kyle Aardal - Great ideas all around and knows how to use so many technologies
- Add Loading Intro page
- Complete README w/ instrucitons
- Re-Style
- Animate
- Train ML better
- more to come...