Added PLATFORM=OWL1/2/3 build option
Added NoiseOscillator (whitenoise s+h)
Added PhaseShiftOscillator template
Added Biquad allpass filter configuration
Fixed Antialiased oscillators (Triangle, SquareWave, Ramp)
Added MorphingOscillator
AdjustableTapTempo interface changes
CircularBuffer improvements, added isFull()
Added InvertedRampOscillator
Added StateVariableFilter::setAllpass() and processLowMidHighBand()
Improved realloc implementation
Block based SineOscillator::generate() with FM
Added test patches for automatic CI builds
Automatically add '>' to end of gen~ output parameters
Updated to use C++17
Use std::min/max/abs/clamp instead of macros for C++
Refactored AdsrEnvelope to Linear and Exponential versions
Updated CMSIS libraries
Added FloatArray::softclip()
Added clamp(x, lo, hi) macro
Added TapTempo
Added DryWetProcessors
Added FeedbackProcessors
Added CrossFadingDelayProcessor
Added AudioBuffer::copyFrom(), copyTo(), multiply() and add()
Added Sample oscillator
Added Agnesi curve oscillator
Added MPE processor
Added VOSIM oscillator
Added methods for sample-rate cutoff frequency modulation in StateVariableFilter and BiquadFilter
Added VelocityCurve, MidiProcessor, Synth and AbstractSynth
New templates for MIDI voicing: PolyphonicProcessor and MonophonicProcessor
Added WavFile for reading wav resources and converting to FloatArray
Changed enum for BUTTON_A, B, C to BUTTON_1, 2, 3 et c.
Fix FloatMatrix compilation
FAUST Checkbutton support
FAUST Soundfile support
Added CircularBuffer and DelayProcessor classes
Added SmoothingFilter and DcBlockingFilter classes
Improved BiquadFilter and StateVariableFilter
SimpleArray templated base class
Updated unit tests
Improvements to ComplexFloat/ComplexShort classes
Envelope implements SignalProcessor and SignalGenerator
NoiseOscillator renamed NoiseGenerator
Oscillator inherits SignalGenerator
Window inherits SignalProcessor
Resampler split into Upsampler and Downsampler SignalProcessors
ShortArray and IntArray conversion methods renamed toFloat() and fromFloat()
New SignalGenerator and SignalProcessor abstract base classes
Refactored makefiles
Fixed 'test' make target
Allow patches to be compiled and run natively
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