v2.3 - Editor Events
There are two main changes this cycle:
New unit from Jason:
A unit that can be used to manually trigger logic at edit time. Use this to make your own editor tools!
Please note that this unit will not trigger on its own.
Variadic Branching just got cooler
Branch (Params) received some new modes and now supports:
- And
- Or
- Greater Than (limited to two inputs)
- Less Than (limited to two inputs)
- Equals
This compresses the individual Branch And, Branch Or, Branch Greater, Branch Less, Branch Equals, and Branch Next all into the Variadic Branch (Params) that can take multiple inputs! Not only that, but you can change modes on the fly, and the ports assignments will be kept if possible.
Expect a few minor upgrades to improve the inspector integration on this one.
Lastly, Math Op now has a graph inspector toggle that allows it to accept non-numeric inputs (say, adding vectors)