Construkt is a plugin for Minecraft servers running Craftbukkit or Spigot. It allows a simple solution to building large shapes and areas with few commands. This plugin is being made for a Youtube series over on my channel.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
(As of Episode 9)
- Shape filling
- Shape clearing
- Shape replacement
- Filters
- Lagless area filling (or removal)
- Undo and Redo command
- Permissions
- Limitations
- Volume limit
- Axis limit
- Permission for no limits
- Permission based limit groups
- Blacklisted blocks
The plugin is almost server ready. There are still some features missing and limitations I wish to add before a release version is built (but pre-release versions are available).
- Cuboid
- Cylinder
- Axis
- Hollow
- Hollow Cuboid
- Outline
- Line
- Overlay
- Depth (1 - 10)
- Sphere
- Hollow
- Terrain
- Octaves (1 - 8)
- Scale (1 - 10)
- Seed
- Random Seed
- Smooth Edge
- Smooth Height (0 - 100)
- Smooth Distance
- Tree
- Tree Type
- Copy (Early Development)
- Paste Mode
- Checkered
- Invert
- Size (1 - 20)
- Noise
- Octaves (1 - 8)
- Scale (1 - 10)
- Limit (1 - 99)
- Invert
- Seed
- Random Seed
- Smooth Edge
- Smooth Distance
- Random
- Chance (1 - 99)
- Slice
- Axis (x, y, or z)
- Percent (1, 99)
- Invert
- Toggles build mode on or off.
/ckt <shape>
- Selects the shape to build in
/ckt parameter <parameter> [value]
- Sets a value for a shapes parameter
- Lists the details of the parameter if no value is entered
/ckt filter add <filter>
- Adds a filter to alter a shape
/ckt filter remove <filter>
- Removes a filter
/ckt filter clear
- Clears all filters
/ckt filter parameter <parameter> [value]
- Sets a value for a filters parameter
- Lists the details of the parameter if no value is entered
- Undo a change made with Construkt
- Redo a previous undo made with Construkt
All commands will come up with tab completion to help. No other in game help information is currently available.