fip | title | status | type | author | created | updated |
8 |
Public Address Request |
Draft |
Functionality |
Pawel Mastalerz <[email protected]> |
2020-04-27 |
2020-05-05 |
This FIP implements the concept of Public Address Request, which allows Payer to request Public Address from Payee prior to send, and for Payee to release that Public Address to the Payer in an encrypted way. It further allows the Payer to allow that Public Address to be used in the future without the need for a Public Address Request for every send.
Proposed new actions:
Action | Endpoint | Description |
newpubaddreq | new_pub_address_request | Requests Public Address for specific chain/token from a FIO Address. |
relpubadd | release_pub_address | Places encrypted Public Address for specific Chain/Token and FIO Address on-chain. |
rejectaddreq | reject_pub_address_request | Allows Payee to mark Public Address Request as rejected, so that Payer is notified and Payee can only fetch pending requests in the future. |
canceladdreq | cancel_pub_address_request | Allows Payer to mark Public Address Request as cancelled, if they changed their mind. This can only be done while request is pending. |
get_pending_pub_address_request | Returns Public Address Requests for specified FIO Public Key. | |
get_sent_pub_address_request | Returns Public Address Requests sent by specified FIO Public Key. | |
get_cancelled_pub_address_request | Returns Public Address Requests sent by specified FIO Public Key and cancelled. |
Modified actions:
Action | Endpoint | Description |
get_pub_address | Modified to optionally return public addresses encrypted for Payer. |
- Public Address - this is the Public Address on a native blockchain that is needed to send funds and is associated to the FIO Address using /add_pub_address
- Payer - is the user sending funds using FIO Address. In the Send scenario, this is the user initiating payment.
- Payee - is the user receiving funds. In the Send scenario, this is the user who receives the payment.
FIP-5 Enhanced privacy via friending proposes to improve FIO Protocol privacy in two areas:
- Public Addresses mapped to FIO Addresses are stored on-chain unencrypted.
- Anytime a FIO Request or OBT Record is stored on chain, the FIO Addresses of both parties are stored unencrypted.
The solution proposed in FIP-5 is arguably complex, both in terms of blockchain code, but, more importantly, in terms of wallet integration. This FIP proposes that issue #1 is the primary privacy concern that should be addressed and that issue #2 should not be addressed at this time to substantially reduce complexity.
Issue #1 could be solved by allowing Payer to first Request Public Address from Payee on-chain with optional encrypted metadata, and then allowing the Payee to Release Public Address on-chain, where the Public Address is encrypted for the Payer. There is no need for a Friend's List or complex hashing to derive search indexes.
In addition, Public Address Request may have other useful applications. It may allow the Payee to withhold the release of the public address, preventing receipt of funds, until certain information is received. For example, a crypto exchange may not allow a deposit to occur until they have received information about the counter party, in order to comply with the Travel Rule.
Conceptually Public Address Request is very similar to New Funds Request except for the contents. Similarly, Releasing Public Address is similar to responding to New Funds Request using Record OBT Data.
When Bob Releases Public Address, he would also specify how long that Public Address is valid, so that, in the future, Alice may send Bob crypto without the need to request Public Address again.
Typical sequence of events:
- Alice wants to send Bob 1 BTC and types his FIO Address: bob@hodl in the send area of her wallet.
- The wallet checks the blockchain for any mappings for chain_code: BTC, token_code: BTC for bob@hodl using existing /get_pub_address method.
- Since Bob chose to not make any Public Address available unencrypted, the blockchain returns a "Public address not found".
- Alice's wallet automatically recommends she Requests Public Address from Bob. She accepts the suggestion and her wallet submits Public Address Request for chain_code: BTC, token_code: BTC to bob@hodl.
- Bob receives the request in the existing FIO Requests section of the wallet and with a tap places encrypted BTC Public Address for Alice for a period of 1 month using Release Public Address method.
- Alice can see all her existing Public Address requests in her wallet together with the status and public address (until expiration). The wallet may also monitor specific requests and show a notification once Public Address is released.
- Alice selects the FIO Address of Payee and executes a transaction.
- Until the Public Address expires, she can simply type in bob@hodl in send area of BTC and the existing /get_pub_address will return the Public Address which is encrypted for her alleviating the need for another Public Address Request.
Requests Public Address for specific chain/token from a FIO Address.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payee_fio_address | Yes | String, valid FIO Address | FIO Address of the payee. This address will receive the request and will provide the Public Address. |
payer_fio_address | Yes | String, valid FIO Address | FIO Address of the payer. This address is sending the request and will initiate payment once Public Address is received. |
chain_code | Yes | String | Chain code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
token_code | Yes | String | Token code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
content | Yes | String, Min 64 characters, Max 296 characters | Encrypted blob. See below. |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
The content element is a packed and encrypted version of the following data structure. See Encrypting FIO Data for more information.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
memo | No | String | Memo text |
hash | No | String | Hash of offline data |
offline_url | No | String | URL pointer to offline data |
future_use | |||
future_use | |||
future_use | |||
future_use |
"payee_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"chain_code": "BTC",
"token_code": "BTC",
"content": "JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx6snciwhOvYtBlN7MWKavxWV3XGAJHBrQxxcHQGW0rtCZM4KzVYYqXWMzihN6mRGDqxGALc=",
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "rewards@wallet",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected or bundled transaction decremented.
- Content is placed on chain. In addition to data provided in call, the FIO Public Key of Payer and Payee, must be stored to ensures they can know which private key to use to decrypt the data. It's possible that a single Payer-Payee pair can have multiple requests for the same chain-token pair.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid Payee FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "alice@purse" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
Invalid Payer FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "alice@purse" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
Invalid chain format | Supplied chain code is not a valid format. | 400 | "chain_code" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Chain Code" |
Invalid token format | Supplied token code is not a valid format. | 400 | "token_code" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Token Code" |
Content exceeds limits | content field is less than min or more than max | 400 | "content" | Value sent in, e.g. "XXX" | "Requires min 64 max 296 size" |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the Payer FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
pub_add_request_id | Int | ID for this Public Address Request |
status | String | OK if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"pub_add_request_id": 100,
"status": "OK",
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Places encrypted Public Address for specific Chain/Token and FIO Address on-chain.
New fee: release_pub_address, bundle-eligible (uses 1 bundled transaction) per 90 days of time till expiration.
The fee and bundled transaction is computed based on the amount of time in the expires field. The fee (or bundled transaction) is incremented every 90 days of time in expires. Example:
- expires = 1 day -> 1 fee amount (or 1 bundled transaction)
- expires = 90 days -> 1 fee amount (or 1 bundled transaction)
- expires = 91 days -> 2 fee amount (or 2 bundled transaction)
- expires = 180 days -> 2 fee amount (or 2 bundled transaction)
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payer_fio_address | Yes | String, valid FIO Address | FIO Address of the payer. This address receives the Public Address and initiate the payment. |
payee_fio_address | Yes | String, valid FIO Address | FIO Address of the payee. This address owns the Public Address and is receiving payment. |
chain_code | Yes | String | Chain code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
token_code | Yes | String | Token code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
pub_address | Yes | String, Min 16 characters, Max 192 characters | Encrypted public address. See Encrypting FIO Data for more information. |
expires | Yes | Int | Epoch time of when Public Address expires. |
pub_add_request_id | Yes | Int | ID of Public Address Request which initiated this grant. Maybe left blank if release not result of request. |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"payee_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"chain_code": "BTC",
"token_code": "BTC",
"pub_address": "JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx",
"expires": 1606516769,
"pub_add_request_id": 100,
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "rewards@wallet",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected or bundled transaction decremented.
- Content is placed on chain. In addition to data provided in call, the FIO Public Key of Payer and Payee, must be stored to ensures they can know which private key to use to decrypt the data. It's possible that a single Payer-Payee pair can have multiple public addresses for the same chain-token pair.
- If pub_add_request_id supplied, its status is changed to: granted
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid Payer FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "alice@purse" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
Invalid Payee FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "alice@purse" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
Invalid chain format | Supplied chain code is not a valid format. | 400 | "chain_code" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Chain Code" |
Invalid token format | Supplied token code is not a valid format. | 400 | "token_code" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Token Code" |
Pub Address exceeds limits | pub_address field is less than min or more than max | 400 | "content" | Value sent in, e.g. "XXX" | "Requires min 16 max 192 size" |
Invalid expiration | Supplied expiration date is not valid or not in future. | 400 | "expires" | Value sent in, i.e. 1 | "Invalid expires date" |
Invalid pub_add_request_id | Supplied pub_add_request_id not valid or does not exist. | 400 | "pub_add_request_id" | Value sent in, i.e. 1 | "Invalid Request ID" |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the Payee FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature | ||
Not payee in associated request | The payee FIO Address in pub_add_request_id request is not owned by signer | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | OK if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "OK",
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Allows Payee to mark Public Address Request as rejected, so that Payer is notified and Payee can only fetch pending requests in the future.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
pub_add_request_id | Yes | Int | ID of Public Address Request to reject. |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
"pub_add_request_id": 100,
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "rewards@wallet",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected or bundled transaction decremented.
- pub_add_request_id status is changed to: rejected
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid pub_add_request_id | Supplied pub_add_request_id not valid or does not exist. | 400 | "pub_add_request_id" | Value sent in, i.e. 1 | "Invalid Request ID" |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not payee in associated request | The signer is not the Payee of the corresponding Pub Address Request | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | rejected if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "rejected",
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Allows Payer to mark Public Address Request as cancelled, if they changed their mind. This can only be done while request is pending.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
pub_add_request_id | Yes | Int | ID of Public Address Request to cancel. |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
"pub_add_request_id": 100,
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "rewards@wallet",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected or bundled transaction decremented.
- pub_add_request_id status is changed to: cancelled
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid pub_add_request_id | Supplied pub_add_request_id not valid or does not exist. | 400 | "pub_add_request_id" | Value sent in, i.e. 1 | "Invalid Request ID" |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not payer in associated request | The signer is not the Payer of the corresponding Pub Address Request | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | cancelled if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "cancelled",
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Returns Public Address Requests for specified FIO Public Key.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_public_key | Yes | String | FIO Public Key of Payee. |
limit | No | Positive Int | Number of records to return. If omitted, all records will be returned. Due to table read timeout, a value of less than 1,000 is recommended. |
offset | No | Positive Int | First record from list to return. If omitted, 0 is assumed. |
"fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Return limit Public Address Requests starting at offset where payee FIO Public Key is fio_public_key and status is requested. The query should be looking for the Payee FIO Public Key inserted at the time of request. Do not translate FIO Public Key to FIO Address and search by FIO Address.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Empty list | No pending Public Address Requests | 404 | "No pending Public Address Requests" |
Group | Parameter | Format | Definition |
requests | pub_add_request_id | Int | ID of Public Address Request |
requests | payee_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payee. Request was sent to this FIO Address. |
requests | payer_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payer. Request was sent from this FIO Address. |
requests | chain_code | String | Chain code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
requests | token_code | String | Token code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
requests | content | String | Encrypted blob. See Public Address Request above. |
more | Int | Number of results remaining |
"requests": [
"pub_add_request_id": 100,
"payee_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"chain_code": "BTC",
"token_code": "BTC",
"content": "JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx6snciwhOvYtBlN7MWKavxWV3XGAJHBrQxxcHQGW0rtCZM4KzVYYqXWMzihN6mRGDqxGALc="
"pub_add_request_id": 101,
"payee_fio_address": "purse@susan",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"chain_code": "ETH",
"token_code": "ETH",
"content": "whOvYtBlN7MWKavxWV3XGAJHBrQxxcHQGW0rtCZM4KzVYYqXWMzihN6mRGDqxGALc=JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx6snci"
"more": 0
Returns Public Address Requests sent by specified FIO Public Key.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_public_key | Yes | String | FIO Public Key of Payee. |
limit | No | Positive Int | Number of records to return. If omitted, all records will be returned. Due to table read timeout, a value of less than 1,000 is recommended. |
offset | No | Positive Int | First record from list to return. If omitted, 0 is assumed. |
"fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Return limit Public Address Requests starting at offset where payer FIO Public Key is fio_public_key. The query should be looking for the Payer FIO Public Key inserted at the time of request. Do not translate FIO Public Key to FIO Address and search by FIO Address.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Empty list | No Public Address Requests | 404 | "No Public Address Requests" |
Group | Parameter | Format | Definition |
requests | pub_add_request_id | Int | ID of Public Address Request |
requests | payee_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payee. Request was sent to this FIO Address. |
requests | payer_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payer. Request was sent from this FIO Address. |
requests | chain_code | String | Chain code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
requests | token_code | String | Token code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
requests | content | String | Encrypted blob. See Public Address Request above. |
requests | status | String | Status of request. |
more | Int | Number of results remaining |
"requests": [
"pub_add_request_id": 100,
"payee_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"chain_code": "BTC",
"token_code": "BTC",
"content": "JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx6snciwhOvYtBlN7MWKavxWV3XGAJHBrQxxcHQGW0rtCZM4KzVYYqXWMzihN6mRGDqxGALc=",
"status": "requested"
"pub_add_request_id": 101,
"payee_fio_address": "purse@susan",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"chain_code": "ETH",
"token_code": "ETH",
"content": "whOvYtBlN7MWKavxWV3XGAJHBrQxxcHQGW0rtCZM4KzVYYqXWMzihN6mRGDqxGALc=JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx6snci",
"status": "granted"
"more": 0
Returns Public Address Requests sent by specified FIO Public Key and cancelled.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_public_key | Yes | String | FIO Public Key of Payee. |
limit | No | Positive Int | Number of records to return. If omitted, all records will be returned. Due to table read timeout, a value of less than 1,000 is recommended. |
offset | No | Positive Int | First record from list to return. If omitted, 0 is assumed. |
"fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Return limit Public Address Requests starting at offset where payer FIO Public Key is fio_public_key and status is cancelled. The query should be looking for the Payer FIO Public Key inserted at the time of request. Do not translate FIO Public Key to FIO Address and search by FIO Address.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Empty list | No Cancelled Public Address Requests | 404 | "No Cancelled Public Address Requests" |
Group | Parameter | Format | Definition |
requests | pub_add_request_id | Int | ID of Public Address Request |
requests | payee_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payee. Request was sent to this FIO Address. |
requests | payer_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payer. Request was sent from this FIO Address. |
requests | chain_code | String | Chain code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
requests | token_code | String | Token code of Public Address being requested, not encrypted. |
requests | content | String | Encrypted blob. See Public Address Request above. |
requests | status | String | Status of request. |
more | Int | Number of results remaining |
"requests": [
"pub_add_request_id": 100,
"payee_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"chain_code": "BTC",
"token_code": "BTC",
"content": "JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx6snciwhOvYtBlN7MWKavxWV3XGAJHBrQxxcHQGW0rtCZM4KzVYYqXWMzihN6mRGDqxGALc=",
"status": "cancelled"
"pub_add_request_id": 101,
"payee_fio_address": "purse@susan",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"chain_code": "ETH",
"token_code": "ETH",
"content": "whOvYtBlN7MWKavxWV3XGAJHBrQxxcHQGW0rtCZM4KzVYYqXWMzihN6mRGDqxGALc=JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx6snci",
"status": "cancelled"
"more": 0
get_pub_address API call will be modified to optionally return public addresses encrypted for Payer.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_address | Yes | String | Existing Field |
chain_code | Yes | String | Existing Field |
token_code | Yes | String | Existing Field |
payer_fio_address | No | String | NEW OPTIONAL FIELD: FIO Address of Payer. If supplied, a specific public address encrypted for Payer will be returned if available. |
pub_add_request_id | No | Int | NEW OPTIONAL FIELD: ID of Public Address Request. If supplied, a specific public address encrypted for Payer and matching provided Public Address Request will be returned if available. |
"fio_address": "purse@alice",
"chain_code": "BTC",
"token_code": "BTC",
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"pub_add_request_id": 100
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Content is returned as in existing call supplemented with:
- If payer_fio_address and pub_add_request_id specified, return encrypted public address granted to Payer FIO Address with supplied ID of Public Address Request, provided expiration date has not passed. If none exist encrypted_public_address will be empty.
- If payer_fio_address specified, return encrypted public address granted to Payer FIO Address irrespective of ID of Public Address Request, provided expiration date has not passed. If multiple exist, return the one added last. If none exist encrypted_public_address will be empty.
In addition to existing.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid Payer FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "alice@purse" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
Invalid or non-existant Public Address Request ID | Format of Public Address Request ID not valid or Public Address Request ID and FIO Address combination does not exist. | 400 | "pub_add_request_id" | Value sent in, i.e. "100" | "Invalid Public Address Request ID." |
Address not found | Neither public nor encrypted address found. | 404 | "Public address not found" |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
public_address | String | Existing Field |
encrypted_public_address | String | NEW OPTIONAL FIELD: Encrypted Public Address based on request criteria. |
"public_address": "0xab5801a7d398351b8be11c439e05c5b3259aec9b",
"encrypted_public_address": "JhTnxX9ntI9n1eucNuJzHS1/JXeLj+GYmPD1uXG/5PBixQeHg40d4p4yHCm6fxfn7eKzcYFlV2AFrQ7j/kRQJUk5OcvJzZtCYuvIx"
One may argue that chain_code and token_code in Public Address Request and corresponding Release Public Address should be encrypted. As stated in Motivation, to eliminate complexity this FIP focuses on only protecting the Public Address. Encrypting chain_code and token_code would make it harder for wallets to look-up public addresses. They would have to either fetch all public addresses and decrypt them to find the one they need, or a new chain_code and token_code indexes would have to be created similar to how FIP-5 allowed adding of friends. Both approached seemed too complex.
This FIP introduces a new concept of a fee which is based on the anticipated duration the state file will have to retain associated data. With most other methods, the associated content may be eliminated from the chain based on arbitrary timelines, e.g. FIO Request older than 90 days will be purged (separate FIP is underway to Address state file retention rules). However, since expiration date of Public Address is not limited, the user may specify extremely long period of time when the data could not be purged. As an alternative to capping maximum duration of expiration, a new fee type is being introduced which is charged based on that duration. This fee may be used in other methods as well, e.g. duration of locks in FIP-6 (Provide locked token capability for use by foundation and FIO users).
This FIP proposes the ability to release multiple Public Addresses for the same chain/token to the same FIO Address, provided the request ID is different. This is intentional and offers the Payer the flexibility to request different Public Addresses for different purposes as specified in the encrypted content of the request. For example, an exchange may choose to release a different Public Address for each of their customers, even if the Payer is the same entity. The increased complexity does not outweigh the benefits.
This FIP supports the ability for the Payee to release a Public Address to a Payer, without that Payer first having to request it. This allows the Payee to proactively create a list of FIO Addresses they trust and release Public Addresses only to those users, without them even knowing that the Payee is not publicly sharing their Public Addresses. The increased complexity does not outweigh the benefits.
Public address release records should be purged from the state file as soon as the expiration date passes. However, since a separate FIP is underway to Address state file retention rules, purging is not being included in this FIP.
Will be defined during later stage of the FIP.
Possible Public Address Request statuses:
- requested
- granted
- rejected
- cancelled
This FIP fits nicely into the current FIO Protocol. Wallets may choose to adopt new API methods to extend the functionality, but until they do, existing functionality will not break for them.
/get_pub_address is the only existing API method being modified, but only a new response element is added, so wallets currently implementing this call should not be affected.
The notion of Stealth Addresses has been contemplated since the early days of FIO Protocol as a middle ground between public disclosures of address mappings and 1-to-1 encryption. It would allow a Payee to publish a Public Address mapping encrypted with a key appended to the FIO Address. For example:
- Bob would append a new string to his FIO Address, e.g. secret.bob@hodl
- Bob would encrypt his BTC Public Address using his secret + FIO Public Key
- Bob would place his encrypted mapping using a modified Release Public Address method
- Bob would publish his Stealth Address to a small group of users
- When those users entered the Stealth Address, their wallets would:
- Parse the string to get secret and FIO Address
- Hash FIO Address using secret
- Submit hash using a modified get_pub_address method
- Obtain encrypted Public Address and FIO Public Address
- Decrypt Public Address using secret + FIO Public Key
Stealth Addresses are not being recommended as part of this FIP primarily to reduce complexity.
One may argue that this FIP should be a steppingstone towards full implementation of FIP-5. The rationale being, this FIP adds some privacy protections, while FIP-5 adds a lot more.
Although, technically that's possible, FIP-5 reinvents how data for most content is stored on the FIO Chain in order to preserve privacy of counterparties, and when implemented will require new privacy calls to be built alongside most existing calls, including calls recommended above.
This FIP is therefore not a logical steppingstone to get to FIP-5 and should be considered as alternative instead.