fip | title | status | type | author | created | updated |
5 |
Enhance privacy |
Draft |
Functionality |
Pawel Mastalerz <[email protected]> |
2020-04-09 |
2020-06-02 |
- Native Blockchain Public Address (NBPA) - this is the public address on a native blockchain that is needed to send funds and is associated to the FIO Address using /add_pub_address
- Payee - is the user receiving funds. In the Send scenario, this is the user who places NBPA on the FIO Chain and allows Payer to see it so that the Payer can send funds using this NBPA. In Request scenario, this is the user sending a FIO Request.
- Payer - is the user sending funds using FIO Address. In the Send scenario, Payer will type a FIO Address in wallet, that wallet will look up the corresponding NBPA on native blockchain and transaction will be executed. In Request scenario, Payer will respond to a FIO Request sent by Payee.
- Sender - is the user sending a transaction on the FIO Chain to another user (Receiver)
- Receiver - is the user receiving a transaction on the FIO Chain from another user (Sender)
This FIP implements several new features to enhance privacy of the FIO Protocol:
- It extends the existing FIO Data encryption scheme to include NBPAs to optionally encrypt NBPAs placed on chain.
- It introduces a new way to exchange FIO Requests, FIO Data, and NBPAs, which obfuscates the fact that the users are interacting with each other.
- It consolidates record_obt_data and reject_funds_request into a single priv_record_send_action as to further obfuscate the action which was taken on a FIO Request.
The introduced actions will coexist with existing actions to ensure backwards compatibility.
Proposed new actions:
Action | Endpoint | Description |
bkupsrchidxs | priv_backup_search_indexes | Stores back-up of FIO Addresses and Search Indexes |
priv_get_search_index_backup | Returns Search Index Backup. | |
privaddadr | priv_add_pub_address | Add encrypted NBPA to FIO Chain. |
privganbpa | priv_grant_pub_address_access | Grants user access to see NBPA. |
priv_get_pub_address | Allows user to retrieve NBPA they are authorized to see. | |
privfundsreq | priv_new_funds_request | Allows for creation of FIO Requests using new, privacy-enhancing, mode. |
privrecsend | priv_record_send_action | Allows for recording of OBT Data or rejecting a FIO Request using new, privacy-enhancing, mode. |
priv_get_received_fio_requests | Returns FIO Request received using new, privacy-enhancing, mode. | |
priv_get_sent_fio_requests | Returns FIO Requests sent using new, privacy-enhancing, mode. | |
priv_get_received_actions | Returns OBT Data or FIO Request rejections using new, privacy-enhancing, mode. | |
setaddpriv | set_fio_address_privacy | Sets privacy mode for FIO Address. |
privacy_check | Checks privacy mode of FIO Address. |
Even though contents of FIO Requests and OBT Records is already encrypted, there are two other areas where privacy of the FIO Protocol can be improved:
- Anytime a FIO Request or OBT Record is stored on chain, the FIO Addresses of both parties are stored unencrypted. This allows blockchain observers to:
- Associate FIO Addresses transacting with each other, even though the details of those transactions are private.
- NBPAs mapped to FIO Addresses are stored on-chain unencrypted. This allows blockchain observers to:
- Associate NBPAs to identifiable FIO Addresses.
- Associate NBPAs on different blockchains belonging to a single individual/entity through a common FIO Address.
Today when data is exchanged on the FIO Chain (FIO Requests, FIO Data) FIO Addresses and FIO Public Keys of both parties are attached to each record. This is done because:
- Sender - account data (e.g. FIO Public Address) of the signer has to be visible for the blockchain to validate the transaction.
- Receiver - there needs to be a way for the receiver to know that there is data on the blockchain for them to receive. Today the Receiver uses their FIO Public Key to query for data, therefore the Sender has to include this in the transaction they expect the Receiver to find.
In order to obfuscate that Sender and Receiver are interacting, one party's information has to be encrypted. Obfuscating Sender's data is difficult without changing the architecture of the blockchain to a more complex privacy chain architecture. Obfuscating the Receiver's data is easy, but it makes it challenging for the Receiver to identify transactions on the chain that contain information for them.
To solve this challenge, this FIP introduces the concept of a Search Index. This index uses Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange scheme and can be derived by both Sender and Receiver without any on-chain interaction as it only requires their own private key and the other party's public key.
- Sender wants to derive Search Index for Receiver and types their FIO Address into their wallet.
- Sender's wallet fetches FIO Public Key associated with the FIO Address entered.
- Sender's wallet uses Sender's FIO Private Key and Receiver's FIO Public Key to derive a shared secret (Secret) using Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange scheme.
- Receiver's FIO Public Key is hashed using Hash Function A and Secret as initialization vector to create Receiver's Search Index.
A user derives a Search Index using counter-party's FIO Public Key, when they are placing data on chain. A user derives a Search Index using their own FIO Public Key, when they are looking for data placed on chain by their counter-party.
Scenario | How used by Payee | How used by Payer |
Payee makes NBPA available to Payer | Payee places NBPA encrypted on chain with Payer's Search Index. | Payer looks for their Search Index when looking for NBPA. |
Payee sends FIO Request to Payer | Payee places FIO Request on chain with Payer's Search Index. | Payer looks for their Search Index when looking for FIO Requests. |
Payer responds to FIO Request | Payee looks for their Search Index when looking for Send Actions. | Payer places Send Action on chain with Payee's Search Index. |
It is important to note that the Search Index is derived from Public Keys and not FIO Addresses, yet for usability reasons user will use FIO Addresses to identify each other. This has the following consequences:
- Once user transfers their FIO Address to another public key (even if they control it), they will lose their established connections. That is already a moot point, since they will not be able to decrypt the data anyway.
- Once established, connections exist between all FIO Addresses owned by either party.
The following is a list of new contract actions and endpoint added to support Search Indexes.
Stores back-up of FIO Addresses and Search Indexes, where:
- Associated Search Index should be monitored for incoming FIO Requests and FIO Data.
- Search index has been granted access to NBPAs This is an optional action and is intended to allow wallets that rely on seed phrase recovery to be able to fully restore FIO functionality.
New fee: priv_backup_search_indexes, bundle-eligible (uses 1 bundled transaction) per incremental 1,000 bytes
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_public_address | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address for which data is being backed-up. |
content | Yes | FIO public key | Encrypted blob. See below. |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
The content element is a packed and encrypted symmetrically with owner's FIO Private Key:
Group | Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
search_indexes | Yes | Array | Array of Search Indexes | |
search_indexes | search_index | Yes | string | Search Index of counter-party. |
search_indexes | fio_address | Yes | String | FIO Address of counter-party. |
search_indexes | public_key | Yes | FIO Public Key | FIO Public Key of counter-party. |
search_indexes | sharing_nbpa | Yes | Int | 0 - Not sharing NBPA; 1 - Sharing NBPA |
search_indexes | monitoring | Yes | Int | 0 - Not monitoring FIO Address; Monitoring FIO Address |
"fio_public_address": "purse@alice",
"content": "...",
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected
- The fee is collected based on incremental size. For example if user was already storing 10,000 bytes and the new size is 11,000 bytes, they will be charged for 1,000 bytes.
- Content is placed on chain. The content replaces the currently stored value.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
FIO Address expired | Supplied FIO Address has expired | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address expired." |
FIO Domain expired | Domain of supplied FIO Address has expired more than 30 days ago | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Domain expired." |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | OK if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "OK",
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Returns Search Index Backup.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_address | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of owner. |
"fio_address": "purse@alice"
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
No backup | No backup for supplied FIO Address | 404 | "No backup found." |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
content | String | See Backup Search Indexes |
"content": "..."
In existing implementation, NBPAs are placed on FIO Chain unencrypted. Once this FIP is implemented, users will have an option to place it encrypted for specific users.
In order to offer the most flexibility to users and to reduce the amount of content stored on the FIO Chain, each NBPA is encrypted symmetrically three separate times using different random secret key each time:
- FIO Address level secret key – used to encrypt all NBPAs associated with that FIO Address.
- Chain level secret key – used to encrypt all NBPAs for a particular chain (i.e. Ethereum).
- NBPA level secret key – only used to encrypt one NBPA.
NBPA level secret key can decrypt just one NBPA. Chain level secret key can decrypt current NBPA for specific chain and all future NBPAs for that chain published by the owner. FIO Address level secret key can decrypt all NBPAs associated with that FIO Address. The FIO Address owner can then decide which of these decrypt keys to make available to which user by placing them on the FIO Chain encrypted and tagged with Payer's Search Index.
Each NBPA will be encrypted using three unique secret keys. Method of deriving secret keys (where + is string concatenation):
HMAC(hashName, secret, hash) == result
HMAC('sha256', WalletSecret, 'FIO Address level secret key') == NBPA level secret key
HMAC('sha256', WalletSecret, 'Blockchain level secret key') == Blockchain level secret key
HMAC('sha256', WalletSecret, ''NBPA secret key' + AddressPublicKey) == NBPA level secret key
The NBPA will then be placed on the FIO Chain using new action as three distinct encrypted blobs. The data includes:
- Chain code
- NBPA encrypted with FIO Address level secret key - this secret will be used to encrypt all NBPAs placed by that FIO Address
- NBPA encrypted with Chain level secret key - this secret will be used to encrypt all NBPAs of a particular chain, e.g. Ethereum.
- NBPA encrypted with NBPA level secret key - this secret is different for every NBPA
A secret key is placed on the FIO Chain for specific Payer using new action. The data includes:
- Payer's Search Index
- Chain code (if secret key is chain level)
- Key ID (if secret key is for specific key)
- Token code
- Secret Key encrypted asymmetrically using the Payer’s public key to derive shared secret using Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange scheme.
Payer looks for NBPA using:
- Their own Search Index
- FIO Address
- Chain code
- Token code
The blockchain will look for secret key with provided Search Index and chain and token code and return correct level encrypted NBPA and corresponding Encrypted Secret Key if found.
- Payee places NBPA as follows:
- NBPA ID: 1
- Blockchain code: BTC
- Token code: BTC
- NBPA encrypted with FIO Address level secret key (Secret 1): ABC
- NBPA encrypted with Chain level secret key (Secret 2): DEF
- NBPA encrypted with NBPA level secret key (Secret 3): GHI
- Payee places secret for Payer 1 to decrypt all BTC addresses:
- Search Index: index_for_payer_1
- Blockchain code: BTC
- Key ID: 1
- Encrypted Secret Key: XXX
- Payee places secret for Payer 2 to decrypt just one BTC address:
- Search Index: index_for_payer_2
- Blockchain code: BTC
- Key ID: 1
- Encrypted Secret Key: YYY
- Payer 1 sends index_for_payer_1 and BTC/BTC and receives:
- XXX - Payer 1 decrypts Secret 2 with their private key
- DEF - Payer 1 decrypts NBPA with Secret 2
- Payer 2 sends index_for_payer_2 and BTC/BTC and receives:
- YYY - Payer 2 decrypts Secret 3 with their private key
- GHI - Payer 2 decrypts NBPA with Secret 3
The following is a list of new contract actions and endpoint added to support encrypted NBPAs.
Adds NBPA to chain.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payee_fio_address | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address for which NBPA is being added. |
public_addresses | Yes | JSON Array. See public_addresses below Min: 1 item Max: 5 items | |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
chain_code | Yes | String | Chain code of NBPA being added, not encrypted. |
token_code | Yes | String | Token code of NBPA being added, not encrypted. |
public_key_address_level | Yes | String | NBPA encrypted with FIO Address-level secret. |
public_key_chain_level | Yes | String | NBPA encrypted with chain-level secret. |
public_key_nbpa_level | Yes | String | NBPA encrypted with NBPAs-level secret. |
"payee_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"public_addresses": [
"chain_code": "BTC",
"token_code": "BTC",
"public_key_address_level": "jK4P6yxXwoZjCz4xodEVMY63PZQEvs1GVRUSusohSpFzO8mBegxGE1Zl7yYqxwqHIWYrxihOxJya51QMVzyJVv8z2S2fnWUB",
"public_key_chain_level": "5zsyqCjsZ9bAGfQybQKIGZL36UQldukmoJMq410SQzIVeSus1dozqGZu4X8Fh0qzHioAL4dwIkORz7cG8XAtQ1ZOG9vaK9su",
"public_key_nbpa_level": "uE98xys0iDlmJyPdrTof09iZbqxIJEDXZC6KlyRdtgdgrt2E1XWUr04h9JE7CvtGCHDan2G58x0BzzXi7NnsTyCaSi05ird1"
"chain_code": "ETH",
"token_code": "USDC",
"public_key_address_level": "cXg5EEs5i0wqR5K0eskMo02Q3Tsqpt0VCeU9MPAkvlPC3g5cJd690aeEmBlkHsvOGTEI7KiQZ7W4kWfwaOCTq8rDja3p6kRw",
"public_key_chain_level": "GUzY0kzw61nFChs9EWVear5oHNRLQRci2qbv4kQQNztg8JY6Q3atEnKYrcdfDWr4HzmXx23hDfZfWbw4LjwyFSlZyOqc6z3G",
"public_key_nbpa_level": "ddegiZfBqENdtVWGsgzeDsSJHlQGwmlTtUxpzEcI4hkkbVhHbR96ow9tPD1EALLnqigl9hF4scxt9qPfCh1bavPWLN9X1jie"
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "rewards@wallet",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected
- Content is placed on chain
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
FIO Address expired | Supplied FIO Address has expired | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address expired." |
FIO Domain expired | Domain of supplied FIO Address has expired more than 30 days ago | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Domain expired." |
Invalid chain format | Supplied chain code is not a valid format. | 400 | "chain_code" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Chain Code" |
Invalid token format | Supplied token code is not a valid format. | 400 | "token_code" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Token Code" |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | OK if successful |
key_id | Int | ID of key |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "OK",
"key_id: 1000000,
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Grants NBPA access to specific user by placing a decrypt secret for them.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payer_search_index | Yes | String | Search Index of user being granted access. |
decrypt_keys | Yes | JSON Array. See decrypt_keys below Min: 1 item Max: 5 items | |
payee_fio_address | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address which is associated with NBPA and which will be charged bundled transaction. |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
level | Yes | String | Level of decryption key: address, chain, nbpa |
level_index | Yes | String | Level index: for address-level: FIO Address, for chain-level: chain code, for nbpa: key ID |
decrypt_key | Yes | String | Encrypted key |
"payer_search_index": "515184318471884685485465454464846864686484464694181384",
"decrypt_keys": [
"level": "chain",
"level_index": "BTC",
"decrypt_key": "5zsyqCjsZ9bAGfQybQKIGZL36UQldukmoJMq410SQzIVeSus1dozqGZu4X8Fh0qzHioAL4dwIkORz7cG8XAtQ1ZOG9vaK9su"
"level": "nbpa",
"level_index": "1000",
"decrypt_key": "GUzY0kzw61nFChs9EWVear5oHNRLQRci2qbv4kQQNztg8JY6Q3atEnKYrcdfDWr4HzmXx23hDfZfWbw4LjwyFSlZyOqc6z3G"
"payee_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "rewards@wallet",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected
- Content is placed on chain
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
FIO Address expired | Supplied FIO Address has expired | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address expired." |
FIO Domain expired | Domain of supplied FIO Address has expired more than 30 days ago | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Domain expired." |
Invalid level format | Supplied level not a valid format. | 400 | "level" | Value sent in, i.e. "something | "Invalid level." |
Invalid chain format | Supplied chain code is not a valid format. | 400 | "level_index" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Chain Code" |
Invalid nbpa id format | Supplied nbpa id is not valid or key does not belong to signer. | 400 | "level_index" | Value sent in, i.e. "BTC!@#$%^&*()" | "Invalid Chain Code" |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | OK if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "OK",
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Looks up NBPA for supplied FIO Address and chain code.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payer_search_index | Yes | String | Search Index of Payer. |
fio_address | Yes | String | FIO Address of Payee |
chain_code | Yes | Chain code for requested NBPA. | |
token_code | Yes | Token code for requested NBPA. |
"payer_search_index": "515184318471884685485465454464846864686484464694181384",
"fio_address": "purse@alice",
"chain_code": "FIO",
"token_code": "FIO"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- NBPA is looked up using:
- Provided FIO Address
- Chain code
- Token code
- Decrypt key is looked up using payer_search_index and appropriate decrypt key is returned:
- if nbpa-level decrypt key exists, it is returned
- if chain-level decrypt key exists, it is returned
- if address-level decrypt key exists, it is returned
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Public Address not found | There was no matching NBPA and/or matching decrypt key | 404 | "Public address not found" |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
public_address | String | Encrypted public key. |
decrypt_key | String | Encrypted decrypt key. |
"public_address": "GUzY0kzw61nFChs9EWVear5oHNRLQRci2qbv4kQQNztg8JY6Q3atEnKYrcdfDWr4HzmXx23hDfZfWbw4LjwyFSlZyOqc6z3G",
"decrypt_key": "ddegiZfBqENdtVWGsgzeDsSJHlQGwmlTtUxpzEcI4hkkbVhHbR96ow9tPD1EALLnqigl9hF4scxt9qPfCh1bavPWLN9X1jie"
Payee's wallet submits new private funds request with:
- Unencrypted:
- Payee FIO Public Key. This will allow Payee to locate their own requests and allow the Payer to decrypt the data.
- Payee's FIO Address. This will be used to deduct bundled transactions.
- Payer's Search Index. This will be used by Payer to find requests that are for them.
- Encrypted with Secret + random IV
- Payer FIO Address. This let's Payer know which FIO Address the request is for.
- Request details (chain, amount, memo)
Payer's wallet will use Payee's Search Index to look for FIO Requests for them.
Payer's wallet records new action with:
- Unencrypted:
- Payer's FIO Public Key. This will allow Payer to locate their own responses and allow the Payee to decrypt the data.
- Payer's FIO Address. This will be used to deduct bundled transactions.
- Payee's Search Index. This will be used by Payee to find responses.
- Encrypted with Secret + IV
- FIO request ID
- Status = rejected
Payer's wallet records new action with:
- Unencrypted:
- Payer's FIO Public Key. This will allow Payer to locate their own responses and allow the Payee to decrypt the data..
- Payer's FIO Address. This will be used to deduct bundled transactions
- Payee's Search Index. This will be used by Payee to find this record.
- Encrypted with Secret + IV:
- FIO request ID (if in response to request)
- Status = sent_to_blockchain
- Payer FIO Address. This let's Payee know which FIO Address the request is from.
- Payee FIO Address. This let's Payee know which FIO Address the request is for.
- Transaction details (chain, amount, memo)
Payee fetches their own request using their FIO public key, which is unencrypted on chain.
This is a new construct which returns all send actions, e.g. request rejections or recorded OBT content. Since the details are now encrypted, it's not possible to get the status together with Funds Requests. Payee's wallet will use their own Search Index to fetch:
- Reject messages
- Record OBT messages
The Payee's wallet is responsible for putting together all requests from get_sent_fio_requests with their associated statuses
The following is a list of new contract actions and endpoint added to support encrypted FIO Request and FIO Data.
Creates new Funds Request using privacy method.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payee_fio_address | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the payee. |
payee_fio_public_key | Yes | FIO Public Key | FIO Public Key of the payee. |
payer_search_index | Yes | String | Payer's Search Index. This will be used by Payer to find requests that are for them. |
content | Yes | FIO public key | Encrypted blob. Same as content element of /new_funds_request |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
"payee_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"payee_fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"payer_search_index": "515184318471884685485465454464846864686484464694181384",
"content": "...",
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Fee is collected
- Content is placed on chain
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
FIO Address expired | Supplied FIO Address has expired | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address expired." |
FIO Domain expired | Domain of supplied FIO Address has expired more than 30 days ago | 400 | "payee_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Domain expired." |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
fio_request_id | Int | ID of FIO Request created. |
status | String | OK if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"fio_request_id": "10",
"status": "OK",
"fee_collected": 0
This action is made to record information about a send transaction. Because content is encrypted, two calls used in unencrypted mode (/record_obt_data and /reject_funds_request) are combined into a single action.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payer_fio_address | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the payer. |
payer_fio_public_key | Yes | FIO Public Key | FIO Public Key of the payer. |
payee_search_index | Yes | String | Payee's Search Index. This will be used by Payee to find send actions that are for them. |
content | Yes | FIO public key | Encrypted blob. Same as content element of /record_obt_data |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
"payer_fio_address": "purse@alice",
"payer_fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"payee_search_index": "515184318471884685485465454464846864686484464694181384",
"content": "...",
"max_fee": 0,
"tpid": "",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Fee is collected
- Content is placed on chain
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
FIO Address expired | Supplied FIO Address has expired | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address expired." |
FIO Domain expired | Domain of supplied FIO Address has expired more than 30 days ago | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Domain expired." |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | OK if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "OK",
"fee_collected": 0
Requests call polls for any FIO Requests sent to the Payer by a specified Payee. Because status is now encrypted, it's no longer possible to return only pending FIO Requests, like it is in current /get_pending_fio_requests. It will now be up to the wallet to decrypt each request and obtain status.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payer_search_indexes | Yes | JSON Array | Array of Payer Search Indexes. |
limit | No | Positive Int | Number of requests to return. If omitted, all requests will be returned. Due to table read timeout, a value of less than 1,000 is recommended. |
offset | No | Positive Int | First request from list to return. If omitted, 0 is assumed. |
"payer_search_indexes": [
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Return limit FIO Requests starting at offset where payee in payer_search_indexes.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
No FIO Requests | No requests were found | 404 | "No FIO Requests." |
Group | Parameter | Format | Definition |
requests | payee_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payee. |
requests | payee_fio_public_key | String | FIO Public Key of the payee. |
requests | payer_search_index | String | See priv_new_funds_request |
requests | content | String | Encrypted blob. See priv_new_funds_request |
more | Int | Number of results remaining |
"requests": [
"payee_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"payee_fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"payer_search_index": "515184318471884685485465454464846864686484464694181384",
"content": "..."
"more": 0
Sent requests call polls for any requests sent by provided FIO Public Key.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_public_key | Yes | String | FIO public key of Payee. |
limit | No | Positive Int | Number of requests to return. If omitted, all requests will be returned. Due to table read timeout, a value of less than 1,000 is recommended. |
offset | No | Positive Int | First request from list to return. If omitted, 0 is assumed. |
"fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Return limit FIO Requests starting at offset where payee's FIO Public Key is fio_public_key.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
No FIO Requests | No requests were found | 404 | "No FIO Requests." |
Group | Parameter | Format | Definition |
requests | payee_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payee. |
requests | payee_fio_public_key | String | FIO Public Key of the payee. |
requests | payer_search_index | String | See priv_new_funds_request |
requests | content | String | Encrypted blob. See priv_new_funds_request |
more | Int | Number of results remaining |
"requests": [
"payee_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"payee_fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"payer_search_index": "515184318471884685485465454464846864686484464694181384",
"content": "..."
"more": 0
Requests call polls for any actions taken by Payer in respect to the Payee, i.e. rejections of FIO Requests or OBT Data. Because status is now encrypted, OBT Data and status is now combined in same call. It will now be up to the wallet to decrypt each action and obtain status.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
payee_search_indexes | Yes | JSON Array | Array of Payee Search Indexes. |
limit | No | Positive Int | Number of actions to return. If omitted, all actions will be returned. Due to table read timeout, a value of less than 1,000 is recommended. |
offset | No | Positive Int | First action from list to return. If omitted, 0 is assumed. |
"payee_search_indexes": [
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0
- Request is validated per Exception handling
- Return limit actions starting at offset where payer in lookup_indexes_for_payer.
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
No Received Actions | No requests were found | 404 | "No Received Actions." |
Group | Parameter | Format | Definition |
actions | payer_fio_address | String | FIO Address of the payer. |
actions | payer_fio_public_key | String | FIO Public Key of the payer. |
actions | payee_search_indexes | String | See priv_record_send_action |
actions | content | String | Encrypted blob. See priv_record_send_action |
more | Int | Number of results remaining |
"actions": [
"payer_fio_address": "crypto@bob",
"payer_fio_public_key": "FIO8PRe4WRZJj5mkem6qVGKyvNFgPsNnjNN6kPhh6EaCpzCVin5Jj",
"payee_search_index": "515184318471884685485465454464846864686484464694181384",
"content": "..."
"more": 0
Allows the FIO Address owner to disallow FIO Request or FIO Data to be sent to their address in a public way. They may still publish NBPAs publicly or initiate public FIO Requests or FIO Data.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_address | Yes | String | FIO Address to set private/public. |
privacy | Yes | Int | 0 - Public FIO Requests or FIO Data to this address is allowed; 1 - Public FIO Requests or FIO Data to this address is not allowed. |
max_fee | Yes | Positive Int | Maximum amount of SUFs the user is willing to pay for fee. Should be preceded by /get_fee for correct value. |
tpid | Yes | FIO Address | FIO Address of the entity which generates this transaction. TPID rewards will be paid to this address. Set to empty if not known. |
actor | Yes | 12 character string | Valid actor of signer |
"fio_address": "purse@alice",
"privacy": 1,
"max_fee": 2000000000,
"tpid": "rewards@wallet",
"actor": "aftyershcu22"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Fee is collected
- privacy option is set
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
Invalid FIO Address | Format of FIO Address not valid or FIO Address does not exist. | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address invalid or does not exist." |
FIO Address expired | Supplied FIO Address has expired | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Address expired." |
FIO Domain expired | Domain of supplied FIO Address has expired more than 30 days ago | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "FIO Domain expired." |
Invalid fee value | max_fee format is not valid | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "-100" | "Invalid fee value" |
Insufficient funds to cover fee | Account does not have enough funds to cover fee | 400 | "max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Insufficient funds to cover fee" |
Invalid TPID | tpid format is not valid | 400 | "tpid" | Value sent in, e.g. "notvalidfioaddress" | "TPID must be empty or valid FIO address" |
Fee exceeds maximum | Actual fee is greater than supplied max_fee | 400 | max_fee" | Value sent in, e.g. "1000000000" | "Fee exceeds supplied maximum" |
Not owner of FIO Address | The signer does not own the FIO Address | 403 | Type: invalid_signature |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
status | String | OK if successful |
fee_collected | Int | Amount of SUFs collected as fee |
"status": "OK",
"fee_collected": 2000000000
Checks FIO Address privacy options.
Parameter | Required | Format | Definition |
fio_address | Yes | String | FIO Address to check. |
"fio_address": "purse@alice"
- Request is validated per Exception handling.
- Privacy option is returned
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
FIO Address not found | Supplied FIO Address cannot be found | 404 |
Parameter | Format | Definition |
privacy | Int | Privacy option is returned. |
"privacy": 1
Should now return privacy for all FIO Addresses
"fio_addresses": [
"fio_address": "purse@alice",
"expiration": "2020-09-11T18:30:56",
"privacy": 1
An attempt to send new_funds_request to FIO Address (payer) with privacy set to 1 should result in:
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
FIO Address private | Public FIO Requests not allowed | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "Public FIO Requests not allowed." |
An attemp to send record_obt_data to to FIO Address (payer) with privacy set to 1 should result in:
Error condition | Trigger | Type | fields:name | fields:value | Error message |
FIO Address private | Public OBT records not allowed | 400 | "payer_fio_address" | Value sent in, i.e. "purse@alice" | "Public OBT records not allowed." |
The core of this FIP was originally the concept of Friend List. Users would add each other to their Friend List, which was stored on chain. This concept was later abandoned for the following reasons:
- A Friend's List implies that both parties have taken action to establish a relationship, when the chain allows atomic actions to be executed without both parties friending each other. Examples:
- Alice can grant access to NBPA to Bob without Bob having to do anything. Further Bob can look-up that NBPA and execute a send without friending Alice.
- Alice can unilaterally monitor for FIO Requests from Bob and Bob can initiate the request without having to friend Alice. Now, Bob will not be able to see a response to that request unless he chooses to monitor Alice's Search Index.
- It reduces the complexity of this FIP and the associated wallet implementation.
Friend List had the added benefit of allowing users to easily restore their Friend List and associated Search Indexes from seed phrases. In lieu of that, ability to backup Search Indexes has been added.
After removing the Friend List and adding the back-up option instead, the author came to a realization that it may be beneficial for the following use case:
- Alice initiates a new public FIO Request to Bob.
- Bob receives the FIO Request and wants to switch to private interactions, so he adds Alice to his Address Book.
- He also approves the FIO Request, but his wallet does not know if it needs to record data in a public or private way. It does not know if Alice added him to her Address Book and is monitoring Bob's private requests.
- A week later Alice is sending another FIO Request to Bob. Alice's wallet does not know if Bob has added Alice to his Address Book and therefore it should send a private request, or if it should send a public request.
The Friending functionality allows for the other party to check if they have been added to the Private List and therefore is it safe to interact in a private way. Perhaps a better approach is to retain the Friend List functionality and rename it to Address Book.
CURRENT CONSENSUS: Evaluating The question remains open whether there is a benefit in the one party knowing if the other party is listening for messages from them:
- An argument has been made that since an off-chain interaction had to happen to begin with, there is no benefit and sending party should assume receiver is listening.
- An argument can be made that it will improve usability of the sending party if a flag can be set by the listening party, even though there are no guarantees that they in fact will be listening.
Privacy on a public blockchain is a complex problem. The Dapix team has spent several weeks in 2019 brainstorming solutions with number of experts. Without a doubt, the solution contemplated in this FIP is adding significant complexity to the blockchain and for the integrators, even though it is planned that a lot of the complexity will be eliminated in the SDKs.
Complexity could be reduced if certain privacy requirements are relaxed. Specifically:
- CURRENT CONSENSUS: Cannot accept Accept the fact that it will always be public that two FIO Addresses are interacting with each other and that it is sufficient to simply encrypt the content of the interaction. This would: 1) Eliminate the need for fio_public_key_hash, as one could simply use the FIO Address; 2) Allow retention of existing FIO Request workflow; 3) Allow Request for friending to be put on chain. In current form, user has to initiate adding someone to Friend List from within their wallet, i.e. by typing in a FIO Address. FIP-8 describes an approach, which follows this path, albeit slightly modified, and recommends Request for Public Address.
- CURRENT CONSENSUS: Cannot accept If #1 is accepted, FIO Request status can additionally be made public, which would push request filtering, such as "show only pending requests" to the blockchain API, instead of having it done inside wallet/SDK.
- CURRENT CONSENSUS: Evaluating Eliminate the flexibility of allowing users multi-level encryption of NBPAs. This would mean that only one level is picked, which would have to be the most private, meaning priv_add_pub_address and priv_grant_pub_address_access would be combined into a single action and each NBPAs is shared with each user separately. This must be evaluated in conjunction with fees. Vastly increasing the storage requirements are going to cost more fees and may render the functionality too expensive to be broadly adopted.
Assuming we want to offer the flexibility to users to decide which user can see which NBPA, this was meant to be an alternative to encrypting NBPA for each user separately. For example, if a user has placed 20 NBPAs on the FIO Chain for Payer 1 and they now wanted to give the same access to Payer 2, they would need to place 20 new entries on the FIO Chain. With secret keys, they will place the 20 NBPAs once and then just give one secret key to Payer 1 and 1 secret key to Payer 2, reducing the amount of data that needs to be stored on chain.
We've considered using a SLIP-44 derivation path for those keys, but it does not seem like a good approach, because there would still need to be some index that matched the keys to records on the FIO blockchain.
- FIO Private Messaging - akin to Onion Routing a new message protocol would be created and BPs would act as message relays. This would be a way to exchange a Request for Friend without any blockchain record. Why discounted:
- Makes looking up requests harder
- Require new calls to be built, e.g. Fetch BPs
- Requires messaging functionality to be built
- Creates complexity of disconnected calls
- What if BP suddenly goes offline
- What if original transaction gets forked out, but notification doesn't or vv.
- Will need retries and error messages, etc.
- Make calls using non-linked keys - in current implementation the new_funds_request call and record_send calls have to be made by the corresponding payee or payer specified in the call. This means that the data is disclosed and the owner signature makes it easy to trace the signer's FIO Address. With this approach privacy-minded users can choose to use different private keys to sign these calls instead of keys which can trace back to their FIO Address. Why discounted:
- Does not offer privacy by design
- Makes looking up requests harder
- Using a separate key may be cumbersome for some
- May require wallet implementation
- Randomize FIO Addresses - in this approach, a record is placed by the known party on the blockchain (request placed by payee, reject by payer, record send by payer), but the counter party is disclosed together with X number of other randomly selected FIO Addresses. Why discounted:
- Depending on the activity of the other members in the random group, the recipient may still have to inspect a large number of requests. For example, what is Alice is paired in a group with Amazon, which has million requests.
Will be provided in a later stage of the FIP.
- Add RAM increases.
The following section describes the steps a wallet would have to take to implement functionality described in this FIP.
A collection of screens allowing user to share the NBPAs with Payers by typing in their FIO Address will need to be added. Options for implementation could include:
- Adding an Address Book of users with whom connection is established.
- Access Address Book.
- Add/remove FIO Addresses to/from Address Book.
- Connecting user to wallets, which privately shares NBPA with them.
- Adding a Connect Wallets Privately flow parallel to the existing Connect Wallets Publicly flow.
- Access Connect Wallets Privately
- Type FIO Address of Payer
- Connecting FIO Addresses to wallets, which privately shares NBPA with them.
- New actions and endpoints
- priv_add_pub_address
- priv_grant_pub_address_access
- priv_get_pub_address
- Local storage of Payer information (FIO Address, FIO Public Key, Search Index). Wallet would be expected to store these values locally and optionally back-up using priv_backup_search_indexes to enable easy restore from seed phrases.
The wallet will need to enable the user to request funds using the new private FIO Request. Presumably a single user may want to interact with users using the private method as well as the pubic method. Therefore ability to support both types of FIO Requests will need to be supported.
- No impact on UX. If the wallet implemented the Address Book, the choice could be made automatic based existence of Payer FIO Address in the Address Book
- The FIO Request may have a Public/Private toggle.
- New actions and endpoints
- priv_new_funds_request
No impact on UX. If the wallet implemented the Address Book or Connect Wallets Privately, the choice for how to record data would be made transparently based on entries there.
It may make sense to add ability to Add User to Address Book in this step. This will simplify the process of populating the Address Book and would ensure that future data exchange can be made private.
- Add support for priv_record_send_action
No impact on UX. If the wallet implemented the Address Book or Connect Wallets Privately, the choice would be made transparently based on entries there.
- Retrieving sent FIO Requests
- Add support for priv_get_sent_fio_requests
- The user may potentially also use public FIO Requests, so data from priv_get_sent_fio_requests and get_sent_fio_requests will have to be combined.
- Retrieving received FIO Requests
- Add support for priv_get_received_fio_requests
- The Address Book or Connect Wallets Privately list will have to be iterated for monitored Search Indexes and those will need to be sent to retrieve list of received FIO Requests.
- Since status is obfuscated, the wallet will need to obtain all inbound FIO Requests and store them locally. They may query for only new requests when user opens the wallet.
- The user may potentially also use public FIO Requests, so data from priv_get_received_fio_requests and get_pending_fio_requests will have to be combined.
- Add support for priv_get_received_fio_requests
- Retrieving Send Actions
- Add support for priv_get_received_actions
- The Address Book or Connect Wallets Privately list will have to be iterated for monitored Search Indexes and those will need to be sent to retrieve list of received actions.
- Since details are obfuscated, the wallet will need to obtain all Send Actions and store them locally. They may query for only new requests when user opens the wallet.
- Add support for priv_get_received_actions
- Combining FIO Data locally. Since the details of FIO Request and Send Actions are encrypted, the wallet will need to iterate both lists, decrypt the content and associate FIO Requests to Send Actions in order to know the status and to obtain OBT Data.
The wallet should allow the user to set a flag on the FIO Address to disallow public FIO Requests if the user wants to protect their privacy from inbound requests.
- Add support for set_fio_address_privacy and privacy_check
Users can simultaneously use new private actions as well as public actions except that if FIO Address owner has set their FIO Address to privacy to 1, FIO Requests and FIO Data to that Address will not be allowed.
get_fio_names and get_fio_addresses are modified, but only in response, where a new field is added.
new_funds_request and record_obt_data are modified, but only new type of error is being added.