This class allows for the construction of multipart/form-data bodies, commonly used for file uploads and submitting forms with complex data.
Type | Name | Description |
String |
contentType | The Content-Type header for the form data. |
String |
boundary | The boundary string used to separate the parts of the form data. |
ComObjArray |
body | The binary representation of the form data to be sent via the body of an HTTP request. |
- Creates a new FormData object handling binary files for HTTP requests.
parts := {
token: '3c2e0e0119165134127ca631e551c5f8',
upload_session: A_Now,
numfiles: 1,
gallery: false,
adult: false,
ui: false,
optsize: false,
upload_referer: '',
mode: false,
lang: false,
content: false,
forumurl: false,
file: ['D:\Cloud\RaptorX\OneDrive\Pictures\Anime\37.jpg']
form := FormData(parts)
http := ComObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1')
http.Open('POST', '')
http.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type', form.contentType)
OutputDebug http.Status '`n'
OutputDebug http.GetAllResponseHeaders() '`n'
OutputDebug http.ResponseText '`n'