SIGNALduino - FHEM Module Version 3.5.x
Counterpart of SIGNALDuino uC, it's the code for FHEM to work with the data received from the uC
The Perl module can be loaded directly into your FHEM installation:
master version:
update all
Connect the Arduino via USB to your FHEM Server and define the device with it's new port:
Example: define SDuino SIGNALduinoAdv /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0@57600
You have to adapt this to your environment.
If you made your setup with an Arduino Nano, you can use this command to load the firmware on your device: set SDuino flash
If this fails, you may need to install avrdude on your system.
On a raspberry pi it is done via sudo apt-get install avrdude
Forum thread is at:,111653.0.html