We present DRACO, a method for Dense Reconstruction And Canonicalization of Object shape from one or more RGB images. Canonical shape reconstruction— estimating 3D object shape in a coordinate space canonicalized for scale, rotation, and translation parameters—is an emerging paradigm that holds promise for a multitude of robotic applications. Prior approaches either rely on painstakingly gathered dense 3D supervision, or produce only sparse canonical representations, limiting real-world applicability. DRACO performs dense canonicalization using only weak supervision in the form of camera poses and semantic keypoints at train time. During inference, DRACO predicts dense object-centric depth maps in a canonical coordinate-space, solely using one or more RGB images of an object. Extensive experiments on canonical shape reconstruction and pose estimation show that DRACO is competitive or superior to fully-supervised methods.
Prepared datasets are the ones prepared to train wherein we take 3 consecutive data sample from the DRACO20K dataset and club them.
Dataset | Link | Size (GB) |
Cars (prepared) (small) (train/val) | link | 3.8 |
DRACO20K cars | link | 89 |
DRACO20K planes | link | 15 |
To begin training, download the Cars (prepared) dataset using the following command:
wget https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/robotics_iiit_ac_in/Een9wSA_PYlHheIWpjpy_WMBuN_Uu4wmysiWyTaC-NJY0w\?download\=1
and unzip to path ./data/DRACO20K_cars
. To download other datasets right click on the link and append ?download=1
to it and then use wget.
Details of the dataset as well as rendering instructions can be found here.
Follow the following instructions to load the environment.
cd <repo> conda env create -f environment.yaml # As tk3dv is not available on PyPi this will throw an error while installing tk3dv but that is not an issue conda activate DRACO # Install tk3dv manually in the same environment pip install git+https://github.com/drsrinathsridhar/tk3dv.git
Please refer to the configuration file in
and change the path to the dataset and set the hyper-parameters.Note: As the second training phase is heavy (due to the DRACO + VGG (perceptual loss) + multi-view consistency), make sure you set the batch_size as the number of GPUs available for training. For instance, if you have 2 GPUs set batch_size to 2 and accumulated_num_batches to 6 (2 x 6 = 12)
cd <repo>/DRACO # Before running the script change the path to the dataset in /DRACO/cfgs/config_DRACO.yaml CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python main.py
cd <repo>/DRACO # For DRACO20K dataset CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python evaluation.py --model <path_to_checkpoint> --path <path_to_directory_with_images> --output <path_to_output_directory> --real 0 # For Real dataset CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python evaluation.py --model <path_to_checkpoint> --path <path_to_directory_with_images> --output <path_to_output_directory> --real 1
If you find our work helpful, please consider citing:
title={DRACO: Weakly Supervised Dense Reconstruction And Canonicalization of Objects},
author={Rahul Sajnani and AadilMehdi Sanchawala and Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula and Srinath Sridhar and K. Madhava Krishna},