Interactive web visualization for the paper Mostert et al. 2020: "Unveiling the rarest morphologies of the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey radio source population with self-organised maps"
See for a live demonstration.
Note that the visualization tool is designed for desktop use only.
Train your own Self-organizing map using or your own code.
- chalkItUp.ttf : a chalk font
- default.css : css file for som.php and outliers.php
- an images folder : contains a few general images used by the website such as the arrows
- website : a folder with pngs that can be replaced by your own SOM-specific generated content
- som.php : index page
- outliers.php : page for outliers
- about.php : page for acknowledgements
- git clone this project
- Upload the project to your server.
- Visit your server.
- cd to the git directory of this project (the directory where this README is located)
- run 'php -S localhost:8000'
- visit 'http://localhost:8000/website_files/som.php'
- Train a SOM using PINK.
- Generate website content using either the 'Generate website content' python script or the jupyter notebook.
- Replace the generated content in the directory 'website_files/website'.
- Upload the 'website' directory to your server.
- Done.